Current climatic conditions

We had a cold front push through before day. Just this past week I had untangled the gong down at the riverhouse, and it woke me up at 0400 to a good deal of wind and rain. But later on when I got home the wife said it had been raining well before then. We got 3 1/4 inches. The river came up a good deal with a prediction of 19 feet. 18 1/2 floods the driveway, so I hope it doesn't get quite that high.

But anyway, at 0955 it's mostly cloudy, 73F with 77% humidity. forecast high low of 78/52F with rain 25% for today and dropping to near 0 tonight and tomorrow. 10 day forecast has 3 days of highs in the 60's, 7 in the 70's, and 4 days of lows in the 50's and 6 in the 40's.
It's cool again this morning. At 0850 it's sunny, 58F with 90% humidity. Forecast high low of 76/50F with no real chance of rain for the next couple of days. I'm going to get the pork chop special from the diner as soon as they can stir one up for me, then as soon as I get the wife's home to her, I'm hitting the trail for a couple of days. It's been a while.
Not too bad for the Midwest/ 41st parallel. First hard freeze maybe tonite. Had I been guerrilla growing, Oct is our finishing month and usually iffy especially last 2 weeks. This would have been a perfect year end.

It's cold and rainy this morning. At 0910 it's raining, 49F with 87% humidity. Forecast high low of 53/44F with 100% chance of rain today, 90% tonight and 40% tomorrow. 10 day high low of 74/40F with four days of possible rain.

I have serious hiker hobble this morning. It had been too long since I've had real PUDS in my life.
We just got done with 4 nights in a row where it got below freezing. One night 25f. All the catalpa leaves fell at once and they are as big as dinner plates. Suppose to be in the 60fs for the weekend then some rain.

The ground water is so high the 3' deep ditch out front has had running water in it for two weeks after our record rainfall last month.
I'm calling Monday, Nov 8th my first frost of the season. It burned my squash and BIL had ice in his chicken's water bowls.

We had a little rain after supper. There is still a little in the gulf, but I think we have had most of what we're getting out of it. At 1945 it's cloudy, 66F with 83% humidity. Forecast low of 57F with 15% chance of rain tonight, and a high of 76F with 10% chance of rain tomorrow. 10 day high low of 76/39F with no days of possible rain. Coldest morning is Tuesday.
We had a hard freeze this week so I had to drain the rain barrels. Down to my last gallon when we got a half inch yesterday. But more hard freezing in two days, this time into the low 20Fs. I've got 20 gallon carboys and store some rainwater in the heated garage but that is for emergency use only! Leaves are really falling now.
Cold front is on the way, but it ain't here yet. At 1545 it's sunny, 80F with 35% humidity. Forecast high low of 78/50F with no chance of rain.
My my my, it was a banner day in northern Colorado today; 70s, sunny, breezy. Great weather to clean my gutters and trim limbs back from the roof.
My my my, it was a banner day in northern Colorado today; 70s, sunny, breezy. Great weather to clean my gutters and trim limbs back from the roof.
No limbs close to the house, but I do have to clean my gutters too. We are cool tonight. 46F at 2105 on the way down to 35F by morning. Frost should be thick enough to see in the morning. I will be putting on my cuddle duds before heading out on my ramble tonight for sure.
I woke to rain at the river this morning. The cold front has passed now, and it looks like that is all we are getting. At 0955 it's mostly cloudy, 61F with 95% humidity. Forecast high low of 72/38F with 8% chance of rain today and 0% tonight and tomorrow. Ten day high low of 72/34F with no days of possible rain. Only two days in the 70's, the rest are in the 60's. Fall like weather maybe?
Typical November weather here in the PNW. Wet and cold.
My niece's husband is from Washington state. He lives in Colorado now, but we got into a discussion on PNW weather patterns from a tangent off a rant (from the BIL's oldest son) about having to fake living in Walla Walla Washington to watch the Atlanta Braves because of blackouts on sports networks.
This morning was our coldest so far. We were at 30F. High of 62F. I worked outside most of the day and it wasn't too bad though. Not as cold tonight. Only 36F.
My niece's husband is from Washington state. He lives in Colorado now, but we got into a discussion on PNW weather patterns from a tangent off a rant (from the BIL's oldest son) about having to fake living in Walla Walla Washington to watch the Atlanta Braves because of blackouts on sports networks.

Was he living in the Seattle area? I can see them blacking out a game if the Braves were playing the Mariners in Seattle. That kind of stuff is pretty common to black out the local market to get people to fill up the seats.

I'm in the blackout zone for the Portland Trailblazer's but I don't watch the couple games a season that are televised for free and I'm not paying for their sports network either. In fact I could care less if the Cryblazers packed up and left town. You have to pay around $70 a month for some package and that's not something I'm willing to do to watch a bunch of overpaid jerks. I'd rather watch college ball for free.
Was he living in the Seattle area? I can see them blacking out a game if the Braves were playing the Mariners in Seattle. That kind of stuff is pretty common to black out the local market to get people to fill up the seats.

I'm in the blackout zone for the Portland Trailblazer's but I don't watch the couple games a season that are televised for free and I'm not paying for their sports network either. In fact I could care less if the Cryblazers packed up and left town. You have to pay around $70 a month for some package and that's not something I'm willing to do to watch a bunch of overpaid jerks. I'd rather watch college ball for free.
No he lives here in NW Florida. He pays for MLB network, but when the braves play a florida team, he has to lie to the system to get the game. He was pretty upset about what he paid and what he got.
The weather underground station closest to the farm has gone offline. There is one in town, just 3 miles past the other one, but it runs 3-4 degrees warmer. Even really small towns have concrete I guess. But I've switched to one 4-5 miles away, that seems to be closer to my weather. That said, they screwed the pooch on this morning's forecast low. It was 26F, ten degrees colder than forecast, with a big white frost.

Tonight at 2205 it is clear, 38F with 81% humidity. Our high for the day was 69F. Forecast low is 42F (and it's already colder than that) with 7% chance of rain tonight, and a high of 72F with 7% chance of rain tomorrow. I heading out in a little while for my midnight ramble, so cuddle duds are on the menu.

Hope everyone has a good turkey day.