Current climatic conditions

It's been spitting and sputtering all day. Not a ton of rain, but not any sunshine either. At 1430 it's cloudy, 76F with 86% humidity. Forecast high low of 76/69F with 35% chance of rain today, 50% tonight and 60% tomorrow.
Another crazy hot day. We had a passing shower, but it really didn't cool things off. At 1230 it's cloudy, 81F with 81% humidity. Forecast high low of 9/68F with 30% chance of rain today, 30% tonight and 25% tomorrow.
Another crazy hot day. We had a passing shower, but it really didn't cool things off. At 1230 it's cloudy, 81F with 81% humidity. Forecast high low of 9/68F with 30% chance of rain today, 30% tonight and 25% tomorrow.

Talk about extremes. We are forecast to go down to -39 tonight with a wind chill of -48. cold2.gif

I couldn't survive outside at either of our places for very long.

Yeah thanks I’ll stay in the desert. I’d rather fight 122 degrees than minus 39.

I just melt in the heat and get physically sick as a dog. 80F at 80% humidity and I melt like the wicked witch of the West. I grew up on the wet coast near Vancouver and hitting 80 was rare if it ever happened but I used to tell people, these aren't freckles they're rust spots. :)

Feel sorry for a lot of BC. They're getting a lot of this polar vortex weather and they aren't used to it at all. Bit of snow in Vancouver and it's like the bumper car ride at the fairs. Fires all summer with record breaking floods this fall that totally knocked out travel all thru BC and is still a hell of a mess. All major and minor highways washed out in multiple places and I left there about 3 weeks before it went to shit. Now the polar vortex on top of it all. If there is a god he's some pissed at BC. lol

Thing about the cold is you can bundle up to keep warm but when it's hot you can only strip off so much in polite company and working outside when it's hot is just f'n cruel. I got all the arctic work gear for working rigs and never once got frostbite tho damn near froze to death a couple times. Not a bad way to go if it ever comes to that. Just get sleepy and stop shivering then feel really warm. Fade to black. :)

I haven't done any dry sifting, but it sounds like a pretty good idear actually. Yesterday I was contemplating sparking up the BBQ for some chuck burgers, but decided against it. As did my Wife.

I like doing my dry sift in the winter in the mud room next to the mancave. We don't let it freeze in there but like now it's just +5C so the trichs are nice and hard so they don't gum up the screens. Going to be soaking everything in naphtha now and making it all into oils and edibles. Just a few of the top colas cured for smoking. Saves so much trimming and time and pain with my arthritic hands..

What the hell is going on out there? I come home turn on the television and see wildfires destroying houses around Boulder. It's almost January. It's crazy.

You OK?
My crew is in Castle Rock. I had to google to see where it was, but luckily it's south of Denver.
My crew is in Castle Rock. I had to google to see where it was, but luckily it's south of Denver.

When I first saw the video of the fire on the weather channel I assumed it was Australia or someplace then I noticed the caption saying Boulder CO. I thought it was a mistake at first. What a horrible situation. :(