Current RI Strains

and bit more of a flush imo.

What are you seeing that says more flush? I never knew there were visual indicators. Everything I grow gets a 14 day water only flush. No solvents like clearex, anything like that, just straight water for 14 days minimum. Some can run a few days longer than expoected but nothing comes out with less that 14 days on it.
Your lack of swollen calyxs and the dark color indicates to me you could have flushed her longer til the leaves yellowed up properly. Chems and SD crosses can easily go 80+ days.
These 4 definitely could have gone longer, these are easily 70+ day plants but I run a perpetual and I had to kick 'em out to make room for some new Betas from Res.

Could they go longer, absolutely, but flushed more? I'm not sure that's possible. :)
some varietals' fan leaves (and even the smaller "sugar" leaves) don't ever turn yellow... some just drop off before they ever get there... not all plants are *exactly* the same... just sayin... i tried some that was flushed a full month and i was not able to tell any difference (i am not saying i am an expert, but i've tried a lot, and the difference was negligible)...
some varietals' fan leaves (and even the smaller "sugar" leaves) don't ever turn yellow... some just drop off before they ever get there... not all plants are *exactly* the same... just sayin... i tried some that was flushed a full month and i was not able to tell any difference (i am not saying i am an expert, but i've tried a lot, and the difference was negligible)...

Not only dose it vary from strain to strain, but also your type of grow, hydro, soil, and soil-less all require different flush cycles.
currently got a few straings. Got Black Domina (100% indica) Void (50/50) Shy Girl (100% sativa) and jack the ripper. All are in seedling stages. :)
We had a "saturday night meet n light" down Sabins point in riverside last night, about 8-9 growers showed up. On the menu was Blue Cheese, Swiss cheese, Bio, ecsd, Dexter (holy shit! its opium x nl5, crossed locally by a c/g) chemsister, qleaner and ri sour cream to name a few. Tasty pit stop for sure,lol

Gotta luv a legal state
Good stuff LBH!! Long time no see bro. Looks like things are well over there. I hear that Chems Sister is a real good one as well.
This is RI's latest little secret. Shaggy, you'll remember this. Remember ClosetCrack 4-5 yrs ago? then GodCrack the yr after that? The Conn guys went nuts with it, lots of trait isolation and it's done. Viola! (Y'all have to understand, Shaggy grew the Closet Crack 5 yrs ago, hundreds and hundreds of miles away when we knew each other from a different forum so he knows the history, shit, he helped make it! Hundreds of plants later, we got something reeeal nice)

Damn bro that looks amazing!!! I still got those seeds stashed away somewhere both CC and GC. Definitely post a smoke report on it when u can!! Would love to get in on any new stabilized ones around now. That bud looks so awesome bro.