Its real simple. The registration fee is at an all time low. Hence less money to pay for labor to process. I imagine they also have added an investigator to their staff as well. Montana has had a rapid growth of patient numbers in such a short time, due to the abundance of these clinics. that means that they are really getting their asses handed to them. As this workload increases, they will add staff. All this takes time. Every app. has to be process through screening. Just imagine you gotta make ten birdhouses every day to fufill your workday. All of the sudden, you gotta make 45 of those fuckers. Next day gotta make 75. Then you are given 1400 to build and told to finish when you can. That is exactly what is taking so long.
I feel in that situation, a patient with their copy of doctor rec. in hand can medicate. i dont believe a caregiver can sell their patient medicine until the actual card is in hand. no problem for a patient, because they are bound to have some kind of hook-up, and doing so is not illegal. funny how that works? you can buy it from a drug dealer or friend, but not your assigned caregiver. bottom line is: what are you willing to defend in court if you are ever prosecuted?