Currently Have 3 1k's. Thinking about Going to 2. Good Idea?


So currently I have 3 digital 1k's in my flower tent (5x10). I am battling high temps and just can't seem to stay get below around 79-80 degrees. I have a 12,000btu AC, 2 6in can fans blowing cold air in all night from outside (outside temps around 55-65 degrees F). My 3 hoods are inline cooled my an 8in can fan blowing to outside the house.

So I've done what I can and put enough money into cooling.

I've been toying with the idea of eliminating one of the lights. You guys think 2 1k's in a 5x10 is good? I have 3 hoods right now obviously, a sun system, yieldmaster II and hydrofarm radiant 8. Could I run 2 1k's with either of those hood or should I invest in magnum XXL's?

I also don't want yield to drop a ton either.

I'm looking for suggestions guys. I'm kinda at a loss at what is the best approach here. Of course I'd like to eliminate to two and use the hoods I have, I just don't want to drop in yield...... :?


New Member
well if your temps are in the range of 79 - 86 its perfect why take a light out ??? youjust need to feed more is all keep mediums moist as they will hydrate more

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Iduct my intake to the ceiling where it is hottest and I exhaust at light level and of course canopy and other circulating fans. I add intake and exhaust fans or subtract them depending on the weather.


Well-Known Member
If your room temp is between 80F and 85F but not higher it's still not that bad your bud might get a little fluffier but that's not much compare to loosing 1/3 of your production by cutting a light