Currled Leaves...Puzzled


Active Member
Hello there. I am wondering if I could get some help with this diagnosis.

my leaves are currling on one plant. The colour is great. they are about 4 weeks old and I am growing with Bubble ponics

I am using flora three series from General Hydroponics.

right now I am using mild growth from their chart at 5ml/gal grow 2.5mg/gal micro and bloom.

I do not know the ppm as I do not have ameter.

I keep the PH between 6 and 5.

when we first started this grow i beleive that the light was way too close (4 inches) and I moved it up to 8 inches away. (150 hps)

They seem very halthy but the curled leaves are puzzling me.
Light stays on for 18 hours and 6 hours off.

they are lowrider plants.

also...if anyone could sex these based on the closeups that would be great. I think I see the female shoots there but I want to be sure.

thanks a ton



Active Member
i think your over ferting them, next your going to see leaf burn.. google curled like a rams horn that should steer you in the right direction


Active Member
Looks like little females but hey, don't add any nutrients and just flush all the nutes out just use regular water. Wait a week - 2 weeks add a tiny portioned size of nutes.


Well-Known Member
it may be nutes but ive had genetics with low ryder in it and they diid that to all the leaves right through harvest.


Active Member
thank you everyone. I think I will flush them with ph ballanced water for a few days to see if there is any improvement.and then I will add 1/2 strength nutes.

Does anyone have a schedule for GH flora series based on Bubbleponics.

do you always run 1/2 strength nutes because the root system is submerged in the nutrient solution?

The plant's seem very healthy. good colour, good size leaves. Just a bit stunted growth but I asumed that this was par for the course with the lowrider.

thanks again everyone. and I'm glad to hear that both of these look as though they are female. I was not too sure.


Active Member
It is interesting that the curl is only happening with one of the plants.

I wonder if that could indicate that it is a genetic inconsistency with the lowrider strain as well


Well-Known Member
like i said it could be genetic ive had that with strains with low ryder in it,so just pay attention to it.


Well-Known Member
i had a plant that never grew past 2 feet no matter what it had all leaves like first chemo also had that right through harvest on 2 phenoes but after breeding it was gone.


Active Member
thank you so much.

should I still go ahead with the flush or should I just watch to make sure it doesn't get worse. what would you do.

there is no discoloration in the leaves. one small brown spot from the lights being too close in the very beginning but that has not spread or become any worse in 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
i would do a mild flush 1/3rd of normal feeding,but personally i wouldn't but then ive seen this trait before.


Well-Known Member
i had similiar problem with my 5 and i flushed and ran reg ph water for 2 day and added 1/3 strength with new water. they doing much better now hope it helps ur decision


Active Member
thank you. I think that is what i am gonna do.

I do have a question though. do you eventually go up to full recommended strength eventually.

I can't find any info on whether or not a bubbleponics system ever goes to full strength due to the fact that the roots are submerged in the solution.


New Member
Get a PPM meter! They are like 15 bucks on ebay. If your doing hydro, you simply gotta have one. Here is an example. Two days ago when i fed my ppm were at 1850. This morning my ppm was at 1900. This tells me that my plants are drinking more of the water, using a little less of the nutes. So a little less nute should even it out. If it was perfect, I would have measured it this morning and it would have read 1850. Then i would top off the water and nutes to the same level (add a gallon to tank, add nutes till 1850.)

Since there were more nutes left in the water, i know that my plants are prob liking about 1700-1775 ppm. That way the uptaking of water and nutes is at the same level.

There is no way to do this with out a PPM meter..


New Member
BTW - Full stregnth will depend on what your res water is telling you about the plants diet...

I mix my nutes in a gallon container figureing that im making for 10 gallons. I add all the nutes then top off with water. I add this mix to the res based on PPM's, not how much the bottle says. Again, i make a 10 gallon concentrate in a one gallon jug and add that to my res till i get the ppm's im looking for. Its the most accurate way to feed I think and you can make daily notes about PPM's.

Like above is the water have say 1700 ppm after i filled it with 1850 2 days ago, then I know the plants need more nutes so I might bump nutes to 2000 and see if i lose water and nutes at the same rate.

Hope this helps, I'm still kinda new, but this was a big ah ha moment for me....


Well-Known Member
yeah do a full flush with ph water in 2 days then add 1/3 strenght w/ new water, same thing happend to me worked great! plants much better now hope it helps


Active Member
I have posted two sets of photos. the first are from april 13th and the second are from april 26th.

they seem a bit stretched out so I have added some reflectors to maximize the light. I am only using a 150w HPS light. I think I might have had the light a bit too far away. it was about 15 inches away for a while

I still have the curling in the leaves. some look a bit wilted but they are not discoloured and they are still growing like mad.

they are about 7 weeks right now (lowrider) abut I did a flusha nd I think they might be set back a bit.

I am boosting the nutrients to bloom or transition on the next change

