Cut Lights Before Harvest?


I heard that you should cut the lights on the plants for the last 1-2 day for them to grow more. Is that just a rumor or is it true?


Well-Known Member
i know a few boys on here that do it!! but not to sure bout the growin bigger part...i'm thinkin for more resin...but it might be....both!!??!!


Well-Known Member
Actually the 2 day dark period has a few purposes. The length is usually 2-3 days in complete darkness and preferably, have a dry medium if in soil. Plants need light to make chlorophyll, 2-3 days in the darkness causes the plant to stop producing chlorophyll. This improves curing time, taste and bag appeal.

The darkness stresses the plant into thinking the flowering season is in ending so it reacts by producing more trichomes in a last ditch effort to "get pregnant", lol.


Active Member
The darkness stresses the plant into thinking the flowering season is in ending so it reacts by producing more trichomes in a last ditch effort to pollinate.
This is the only reason i do it !! - MORE CRYSTALS !! , 4 days in dark before chop is incredible :bigjoint:


Active Member
the problem with this method is that it rapidly increases the chances of hermaphrodite plants, so a couple of days should be fine but IMO 2 weeks is too much of a risk