Cut off too many top fan leaves!

Hello - looking for some guidance here as I think I made a big mistake and cut off way too many fan leaves. My plants now have only small leaves near the top / middle and are bushier near the bottom. They are about 40cm tall.

obviously learning my lesson here and won’t be doing that again. I guess I should just be waiting it out now?? With the leaves grow back?? I was thinking this would let the lower levels catch up and make it bushier but, I don’t know now... any advice would be really appreciated!


Active Member
I would chop the top half off and clone it. Its still young and will recover nicely. And then youll have two girls that are not extremely far apart from each other in age.


Well-Known Member
Why do people feel the need to do anything other than let their plants grow? The other leaves will get bigger and new ones will grow but you've cut off the engines that power the plant. Photosynthesis, the process that turns light, Co2, and water into energy for the plant to grow occurs in the leaves.


Well-Known Member
Why do people feel the need to do anything other than let their plants grow? The other leaves will get bigger and new ones will grow but you've cut off the engines that power the plant. Photosynthesis, the process that turns light, Co2, and water into energy for the plant to grow occurs in the leaves.
Because YouTube and Reddit "growers" talk about defoliation like it is essential to getting good growth.


Weed Modifier
Cutting off leaves doesnt promote secondary branching! Who told you to do this to your plant?
Research before attempting new a noob dont do anything that will potentially hurt your plant!

Edit ask us Before doing anything to your plant! Dont do something your not sure of, then ask is it bad idea?


Well-Known Member
Because YouTube and Reddit "growers" talk about defoliation like it is essential to getting good growth.
I really despise youtube and the bad information new cannabis growers are getting by watching some sponsored hack or infomercial pushing some overpriced and unneeded product. youtube is the worst place to get growing knowledge.


Well-Known Member
Hello - looking for some guidance here as I think I made a big mistake and cut off way too many fan leaves. My plants now have only small leaves near the top / middle and are bushier near the bottom. They are about 40cm tall.

obviously learning my lesson here and won’t be doing that again. I guess I should just be waiting it out now?? With the leaves grow back?? I was thinking this would let the lower levels catch up and make it bushier but, I don’t know now... any advice would be really appreciated!
If you want the lowers to catch up don't cut off the leaves top the plant instead.


Well-Known Member
honestly just cut all the leaves off and leave only the stem. leaves are evil who needs them. are you growin bud or are you growing leaves?

dont defoliate. only do it mid flower to let some extra light through the canopy. you dont even have to do this. the easiest way is to just leave it alone. let it grow.


Well-Known Member
Im more concerned about why not drag the damn things out into the actual footprint of the sun instead if leaving in partial shade. That is part of the lanky growth.

Which warms her up and the root base.
Thank for you for the feedback. It was dumb to cut them I realized that after, was following some bad advice...

As far as the shade, took that early morning. I’m growing in fabric pots on my rooftop terrace, typically move them around once in early morning and once around noon to get them maximum sun exposure.

Aside from making sure they get maximum sun and enough water will not be doing anything else and will leave them alone! My main concern was if I did any lasting damage, and if I now need to do anything else to ensure their health... but even just from early this morning can already see they are responding well enough and can actually see some of the leaves have grown. Crazy how fast that happens.


Well-Known Member
I'd top that at the very top node myself. I would have left the leaves and just topped it and maybe taken the bottom branches and made clones if I needed them.


Well-Known Member
Xtsho and others...i understand no benefit to defoliating outside....but inside? If the fan leaves are covering the middle and shading the other branches, they most definitely SEEM to benefit from being exposed to more light. Was this discussion specific to outdoor?


Well-Known Member
Xtsho and others...i understand no benefit to defoliating outside....but inside? If the fan leaves are covering the middle and shading the other branches, they most definitely SEEM to benefit from being exposed to more light. Was this discussion specific to outdoor?
The leaves in the middle still get light, even indoors. Have you ever seen an ENORMOUS tree outside that has leaves in the middle of the canopy that are dying due to a lack of light? I have a maple tree in my back yard that has a canopy that is bigger than my house and the leaves throughout the entire tree never look deprived of light.

teddy bonkers

Well-Known Member
Xtsho and others...i understand no benefit to defoliating outside....but inside? If the fan leaves are covering the middle and shading the other branches, they most definitely SEEM to benefit from being exposed to more light. Was this discussion specific to outdoor?
if your plant isn't getting enough light down low
1. grow smaller plants
2.get better light
a leaf is either a source or a sink, meaning it either makes food, or it stores it for later use.