Cutter Electronics: Complete DIY COB kits

it says 760 watts power consumtion,6.54amps @ 110v and in my testing it has 710ma coming from each driver with a total of 12 drivers

edit,i think the amps would be 700ma if my power really was 110v but my power source is 115volts
We can plug those figures into an ohms law calculator.

We get: at 120 volts

So follow link this is what you have:

How many LED's and how many watts, we can divide 12 drivers into the number of leds, then you have how many LED's per driver.

Once you have that you figure, voltage in and out on one driver, that will be the volts of the LED's you can run.

710 milliamps will be the intensity at which they run.

Now you need to find a LED that fits into that box, no leds over 710Ma

And find LED or LED's whose voltage can be dived into the output voltage of the driver equally in whole numbers, as in 50 volts output from the driver you should be able to run two 25 volt LED's at a max of 710.

If I understand Growmau5's shit then this will be the plan for you.
I am overwhelmed by the quantity of LED's available, I know GM said in his videos that 2520's 2050's are fine. What I want to know is how do I grow a bud with insane terpene profile, not to concerned with weight, HC Canada just says I have to destroy what is over my limit to store, so I interpret, I can grow my max plant count as large as I want, take only the top awesome buds destroy the rest, start again with clones or another strain, it is very wasteful but the only way here.

I can run 9 of these full blast!

Are they any good for growing?
[QUOTE="Bud Assasin, post:
Whats your opinion on these? Anyone?

Ideally I would want the best Spectrum for essential oil production, I like my flowers more smelly than big, and I will be doing some Lab terpene extractions, or fractional distillation with the final product.[/QUOTE]

Cree MPL is a nice led but it never really took off hence why it is now end of life, I would retrofit MARS with COBs only IMHO
Hey there Mark thanks for chiming in, would the cxa2520 be a good option for what I have, I don't care about the manufacturer, I just want more spectrum period, so is there something you could recommend I look into ?


Hi Mark,
None of those custom brackets in yet?
Also, any chance you can do a good deal with the Growmau5 kits without the drivers?
BTW , nothing seems to be in stock atm?!
Hope you stick around man,if you decide to toss up a thread im sure a bunch of us would enjoy your pics :)
And prolly learn a thing er 2 from ya

Will do bro! As soon as I get my next run up. I'm renovating my place at the mo so might take a few. But on the other hand I'll have a few gems growing/testing. Might have the fastest haze on the market if it turns out any good.
Hey there Mark thanks for chiming in, would the cxa2520 be a good option for what I have, I don't care about the manufacturer, I just want more spectrum period, so is there something you could recommend I look into ?


CXA/CXB2540 are good choice, would space them a little closer than CXB3590, what periods are you running now?
Hi Mark,
None of those custom brackets in yet?
Also, any chance you can do a good deal with the Growmau5 kits without the drivers?
BTW , nothing seems to be in stock atm?!
Yes now in stock, which kit do you need without the driver? The Ideal holders have been a PIA, we have another solution that we hope to have in stock next week