Well-Known Member
FWIW, I think your plan is fine, along with the AC cord you linked. Multiple wires can be used in each port of Wagos and other connectors, though I suggest they be twisted together before insertion. Four 18Ga. wires can be twisted together and still fit in one Wago port. The din rail terminals are an interesting idea, but a little bulky IMO.
These Terminal Blocks could also be used and you can easily get two wires under each screw.
This buss bar is another option. The ports are 5mm diameter, so several wires could/should be used per port.
Thanks bud, appreciate the response.
Ya I liked the din rail but wasnt keen on the bulkiness.
Someone mentioned earlier about multiple wires per port, that would def help cut down on amount of wagos used.
I'll search the buss bar, see what its all about.
Thanks for replying