Cutter's blurple cobs

Hmm I have to place an order soon. Might be worth picking one up to play with. Grow some mean lettuce if nothing else.

ETA: Zero in stock :P
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thanks for showing this blurple cob.
Do you know how efficent this cob is in compare to deep red and royal blue monos?
If i remeber correct osram oslon ssl 150 deep red can be 50% efficent at 350ma and royal blue 52%efficent at 350ma.
i know that a 40watt mono cluster(at 50% efficent) would cost much more then this blurple cob, but i would like to know how efficent that blurple cob is
SPD looks white, listed as 2000K, photo of the chip covered in phosphors, but it's red/blue... Confusing.
The chip does have a white phosphor layer so appears, white when powered(removes the harsh burple look) however it is just red and blue leds, you can see the MCREES test on these, the peaks are red and blue
hi mark - welight. i have ordered the mau5 kit and im trying to get in touch with you guys about some other stuff. pls get back at me. regards