Cuttin Molly?


Well-Known Member
We used to get Molly all the time, and fill our own gelcaps. We NEVER cut that......its too clean to fuck with, and this stuff should go to friends, not just people who will beat your ass for selling them shit. I have a buddy that moves weight of yea hoo that would make most people come in their pants....not one of the crew ever steps on it, and they go through it like water. Treat people right, and they'll always be back for more.
Now that is the point that people just don't seem to get. I will pay far more, knowingly for pure (whatever). Seems to me that sometimes even though the adulterant is not psychoactive at all, taking more of an adulterated product to compensate for the adulterant is still not the same as simply having it pure. Guarantee me pure product and I will gladly pay much more for it.


Well-Known Member
Seemed weaker than the old pills, but the pills made my teeth grind more. So Id say more pure but less of a kick. Got the waves and euphoria but its been a while so I took it easy. Getting old, hypothetically, of course
Pills tend to be laced with amphetamines which give the experience more of that kick you're referring to. Possibly better experience but much harsher comedown, with a longer recovery time. However, I've had Molly that has blown out other pills in the past. It depends on the batch, purity, and what form it is in!