Cutting All Branches on North Face


Well-Known Member
Last year I noticed after I harvested that the quality of buds on the North side of the plant were not as big or good quality.

Suggestion: Half way through flowering stage trim all the branches facing North? Thus giving more energy to the rest of the buds to finish off on the South side?

Are there any botanists that would prove this to be a good or bad idea?

Thanks in advance

Trippy Stix

Active Member
Half way through flowering stage trim all the branches facing North?
Thanks in advance
I'm no botanist but I don't see the logistics of trimming off precious growing buds whether their small or not, I'm guessing the north side didn't get much sunlight? if this was the problem why not just tie down the south side in a way that kind of opens up like a canopy allowing light to pass through to the opposite side of the plant, strings do work wonders


look I feel like if your gonna do that, do it while still in veg, you don't wanna add any more stress to a flowering plant, just saying


why grow a side of the plant ur just gonna cut off? doesn't that side still require nutrients? and if u chop off during flowering.....your wasting nutes


Well-Known Member
i agree with the idea of tying them off. with one of my plants last year i started from seed thats what i did. i would tie thetop of the plant down letting the side shoots grow upwards as the cola grows in the same but being tied as it grew through the season. the front of the plant was about 3 feet going up, to the back of the plant which was the cola up, to 7 feet.