Cutting bottom branches off = more bud?


Well-Known Member
I was told cutting the lower branches off your flowering female will make the top bud bigger, and you will have more bud overall, is this true??????????????





Well-Known Member
1000 watts total (400 metal halide, 600 high pressure sodium) plus 2mm mylar, FULL SPECTRUM

6 ft height
3 1/2 width
4 length


Active Member
I'm slowly removing the lowest branches that aren't producing bud sites. Only because I can give better light to what's left over and the plant can focus more, I've actually been told causing minor amounts of damage to the plant can actually increase hormone production which theoretically would increase bud growth.

I don't yet have enough personal practice to say if this is the case or not. Though it has worked on the flowering plants in my own garden in the past.


Well-Known Member
I trim all the lower branches off towards the end of veg for 3 reasons:
1-popcorn nugs are a pain in the a$$
2-it gives me room to water
3-allows good air circulation under the canopy


Well-Known Member
Single cola lollipops are good when you are running many small plants...

If you are running few plants, you want to let them grow out...

I pack my lollies @ 4 per square foot...

That's 48 single colas in a 3x3 tray under a 600w HPS

So, unless you are really cramming them in there... I say let them grow


New Member
thats basically what im doing cus some of them i started later than others. this is still my first grow but since iv started plants l8er than others...some of them have been taken better care of than others lol.


Well-Known Member
I trim all the lower branches off towards the end of veg for 3 reasons:
1-popcorn nugs are a pain in the a$$
2-it gives me room to water
3-allows good air circulation under the canopy
This pretty much sums it up, and are the reasons I know remove all the lower crap that won't turn into anything significant.
I fact I do it when I go 12/12 and then clone them, not always a success, but sometimes it pays off.:blsmoke: