Cutting Buds to Reveg


Active Member
i had a plant out side for a 2 started to bud...i was planning on making a scrog setup...i wanted to know if i could reveg it...and do i cut off the buds or do i just let it grow...


Well-Known Member
i dont think u can put it back into veg after it has started to produce buds. keep it flowering.

take a clone and ur on ur way


Well-Known Member
you can reveg plant only with light.. days getting too short. you have to put it somehow back in 18/06

no need to chop your buds.


Well-Known Member
Iv'e done it,but it was way past two weeks into the budding cycle and it did bud again but it was pretty damn scraggly looking.


Well-Known Member
Don't cut the buds off they will go back into the plant in their own time,im only saying this because at 2 weeks in you have nothing to gain by cutting them and I think you will be satisfied with the vegging just leaving them alone and you take less of a chance of shocking the plant.


Well-Known Member
you dont have any reason to cut them off.... only if you hate the smell..

anyway, i didnt hear anything about bud cutting while plant is growing.


Well-Known Member
dont listen to these people that say you cant cause you 100% can. I used to not to believe but a fellow grower in another board has done this with 100% success rate heres some pics for prove

Freshly cut





Well-Known Member
dont listen to these people that say you cant cause you 100% can. I used to not to believe but a fellow grower in another board has done this with 100% success rate heres some pics for prove

Freshly cut



+rep for showing with pics what I have tried (in vain) to tell some people with words.:joint:


Well-Known Member
oh i feel ya man i got cursed on another board and i showed these same pics and all the nay sayers didnt say a peep. I hate noobs who dont know wtf their talking about ya know.


Well-Known Member
oh i feel ya man i got cursed on another board and i showed these same pics and all the nay sayers didnt say a peep. I hate noobs who dont know wtf their talking about ya know.
so youre saying that you cant change lights back in 16/8 when its starting to show buds?

i dont know where you got that pics from and what did he do with his plants, but tell me then, why do you may not disturb plants with lights at all when theyre budding?

..cause then they will stop bud production and will continue vegging.


Well-Known Member
so youre saying that you cant change lights back in 16/8 when its starting to show buds?

i dont know where you got that pics from and what did he do with his plants, but tell me then, why do you may not disturb plants with lights at all when theyre budding?

..cause then they will stop bud production and will continue vegging.
those buds are at 18/6 veg schedule. the bottem pics are about 10 days after he cloned the buds the bud is in a way gonna continue growing just not exactly like when it flowering. thats why if you look the trichs/hairs on the top of the plant have turned to a deep brown its still producing but in a veg stage kinda weird

im trying to find one of his other plants that are done where he cloned this way and when he switched back to flowering the plant cause the end result is that it turned to a stick of bud
pretty cool looking but let me find this pic so you can see


Well-Known Member
hey weird but very possible as you see above pics dont lie my friend

im wit ya though i personally wouldnt do it but i suck at cloning so what can ya do but watch others


Well-Known Member
so now i understand! you have to watch this picture from bottom to top. from unhelthy bud to healthy?

at first i thought that plants getting from healty to unhealthy :)

anyway, cloning bud is weird, hovever, if its possible to bring them back to life, ya, thats pretty cool!!