Cutting fan leaves in flower


Active Member
Ok so a friend of mine said to cut fan leaves off that aren't near any bud sites up to know i havent cut any just been pulling off the yellow ones underneath at the bottom of the plant

Anybody have any thoghts on this


Well-Known Member
Leave them... Buds like it when they are hiding under a big fan leaf... IDK, for sure, but I swear one of my plants told me that one time...

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Ok so a friend of mine said to cut fan leaves off that aren't near any bud sites up to know i havent cut any just been pulling off the yellow ones underneath at the bottom of the plant

Anybody have any thoghts on this
Sounds like another case of 'Bro Science'. Perhaps the proper person to ask would be the scientist who developed this idea. Ask him if he can tell you of any good reason for these acts or did someone tell him to do it and he has passed on this sage advice to you.


Well-Known Member
Your friend has got it wrong about cutting fan leaves that are away from the bud site. The opposite is true, if you would want to cut, because that would be the only reason to cut leaves because they are blocking light to the buds and the surrounding leaves. Don't remove any leaves that you don't have to. This is a hotly debated topic as I'm sure you are about to find out, and I would do a search on defoliation to get an idea about trimming your plants. Peace


Active Member
Not sure where he got this from i wasnt really sure about doin it think i will just stick with what i was doing
There is no wrong answer until you've taken off too many leaves, stressed her out and she turns he/she on you ! .. I take the big old fan leaves little by little as required to get light to the smaller buds ! It works well for me to be totally honest 6 plants 2 untouched but fed the same at the same times 4 that I have been keeping cleaner removing ssome leaves ... Gotta say IMHO it works for me ! The four plants that have been manicured have produced not only more buds but more bigger buds as well ! What works for me may not work for others but hey. !! Some of us eat with our left hand some with our right ... Just don't over stress it ! Too many people think the plants are weak .. Their like a cat ! Their far tougher then one would think ! Hope this helps you out some !

Cheers MJ


It seems that too much trimming at the same time, stresses the plant out a maybe trim a few leaves at a time.

Even then id say trim if u have to. Once i listened to a friend who told me the same crap. Plant was droopy and took ages to recover from the trimming. I think the leaves r not only for catching light but have other functions too like storing keep them on unless u have no choice..

Of course experienced growers who know their shit can trim more but id say avoid it if ure an amateur like me.

"Hank must die"
Watch some videos on super crop or LSTing or fimming or any of them methods ! LoL the crimp, bend, flex and trim ! If pulling a pound plus per plant isn't rite then why does it work so well ! Anything can be modified for perfection if done rite ;) use your own eyes an pay attention to her ! She'll let you know if she likes it or not ! Good luck either way to decide ! Hope you get the best out of your plant ! Either way keep it green and happy and with any luck your first puff from your ladies will turn you green and happy too !

Cheers MJ


Active Member
The plant ONLY wants to produce the biggest buds it knows how.. don't get in it's way.. It knows what is best. If it feels the leaves are impending it's abllity to grow bud, it will self prune it's self.

Them be my thoughts..


Well-Known Member
Ok so a friend of mine said to cut fan leaves off that aren't near any bud sites up to know i havent cut any just been pulling off the yellow ones underneath at the bottom of the plant

Anybody have any thoghts on this
They'll die on there own when the plant gets done using them.
The You less you do the better most of the time when growing.

Next grow do your pruning in Veg. about 2 weeks before you flower. remove sucker branches, and the bud sites that won't do much. (PoP Corn Buds)

FNG Grower

Well-Known Member
A friend of mine was just telling me the same thing, "remove all of the fan leaves so all of the buds are exposed." This sounds like the same argument in garden tomatoes, where half of gardeners say to pich off the suckers, and the other half say to leave them alone. The part I don't understand about defoliating is that leaves are where nearly 100% of the photosynthesis happens. If you trim the leaves, you reduce photosynthesis (and therefore bud production). The second question is, why do the buds need direct light? no other flowering or fruiting plant I've ever grown needs light at the bud sites. I can sort of understand why you might want to trim leaves to allow better light penetration to the lower leaves, but you could just as easily pinch off the lower leaves, letting the upper leaves with better light do the photosynthesis. Does anyone have a link for a thorough scientific explanation of defoliation?


Active Member
The plant ONLY wants to produce the biggest buds it knows how.. don't get in it's way.. It knows what is best. If it feels the leaves are impending it's abllity to grow bud, it will self prune it's self.

Them be my thoughts..
Not being a dick, them just be my thoughts.


Well-Known Member
leave the fan leaves on, as the air wiggles them the lower bud sites get light you just don't realize. It's quite a silly idea taking all of the fan leaves off of your plant, they're pretty much the "power plants" to your buds and taking them off is counterproductive. Proper training and canopy maintenance will give you much much better results than a plant that has been stripped down. My opinion on the matter; not dissing anyone


Active Member
Watch some videos on super crop or LSTing or fimming or any of them methods ! LoL the crimp, bend, flex and trim ! If pulling a pound plus per plant isn't rite then why does it work so well ! Anything can be modified for perfection if done rite ;) use your own eyes an pay attention to her ! She'll let you know if she likes it or not ! Good luck either way to decide ! Hope you get the best out of your plant ! Either way keep it green and happy and with any luck your first puff from your ladies will turn you green and happy too !

Cheers MJ
Ye i have tried supper cropping on my plants also fimmed them they look great cant wait for them to finish flower now gonna do it again on my clones when they get abit bigger think i can do it alot better the second time around


Active Member
A friend of mine was just telling me the same thing, "remove all of the fan leaves so all of the buds are exposed." This sounds like the same argument in garden tomatoes, where half of gardeners say to pich off the suckers, and the other half say to leave them alone. The part I don't understand about defoliating is that leaves are where nearly 100% of the photosynthesis happens. If you trim the leaves, you reduce photosynthesis (and therefore bud production). The second question is, why do the buds need direct light? no other flowering or fruiting plant I've ever grown needs light at the bud sites. I can sort of understand why you might want to trim leaves to allow better light penetration to the lower leaves, but you could just as easily pinch off the lower leaves, letting the upper leaves with better light do the photosynthesis. Does anyone have a link for a thorough scientific explanation of defoliation?
My friend wasnt saying remove the ones around the bud sites it was ones away from them i asked him why and he sed ones that aren't near the bud sites are just wasting energy I decided to just leave them alone im not evan sure aout tucking the fan leaves away now because the buds look great that have been under a fan leaf lots more trichomes


Well-Known Member
Remove fan leaves that block bud sites. I like to not just put words but I'll post a picture of my own grow showcasing this...
