Cutting leafs off before dark period


Well-Known Member
hi guys im just wondering can i trim off the majority of the leafs before i put into 2 days of darkness just im struggling with humidity at min only way im keeping down is with a dehumidifier in as wel as having tent door open and a massive fan on the outside of the tent blowing the plant so cant really do 2 days darkness with tent door open as light will get in so was wondering if i chopped majority of the leafs off to bring humidity down before i put into dark will that be ok?? Its not going to affect/stress to much to affect anything that late in the cycle will it??
The question is a little hard to understand. How far along are you? Assuming 'almost done' and you want to trim it before you harvest? Sounds good. I don't see it really effecting the humidity at all though.
Nice one guys yeh i think im pretty close now its fine as it is at minute with the tent open and big fan blowing on it but say i was gunna cut it down saturday as an example i want to put it into 2 days off darkness before i chop it down like say thursday and friday as heard good things about doing it but if i close the tent the RH shoots up i was wondering if it would be ok to cut the majority off leaves off on thursday then turn the lights off or will that cause problems??
Sorry just seen your last bit THT do you not reckon it will affect the humidity that much just i was told the leaves are where moisture is released could have been a load of bull though
Nice one guys yeh i think im pretty close now its fine as it is at minute with the tent open and big fan blowing on it but say i was gunna cut it down saturday as an example i want to put it into 2 days off darkness before i chop it down like say thursday and friday as heard good things about doing it but if i close the tent the RH shoots up i was wondering if it would be ok to cut the majority off leaves off on thursday then turn the lights off or will that cause problems??

You're making it too complicated. Skip this two day dark period. By the sounds of it, that'll make all of your problems go away.
Yeh got intake and outtake aswel as a little clip on fan on the inside of the tent i dont know if its this english weather with it raining and then warming up but struggling to keep it down ive not done it for a while though just had tent open with a big fan blowing as scared for any kind of mold or bud rot this late in flower
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you guys have a gander see if its nonsense youll have a better idea then me

I've never done it, and have no plans on ever doing it.

None of my outdoor gardens (vegetables, herbs and cannabis) get that treatment and they turn out fine. Nobody has ever complained about my indoor product (including me!), so why add complexity for what I see as no benefit?