cutting light back during flowering?


Well-Known Member
does anyone else cut light back to 8 or 10 hrs p/day during flowering and if so when ?


Well-Known Member
i heard something about this in a grow journal, just not here. i may be wrong but I think it was Jorge that stated it. i think it went something like go to 12/12 then during the last 2 weeks, go to 8/16 and the last 2 days 0/24. i saw that like awhile ago so take that with a grain of salt. I'll look around and see if I can find the info again. why do you ask anyways?


Well-Known Member
fyi I use 11/13 myself because it fits my needs. look around more and just stick with 12/12 for now. it is time tested and approved.


Well-Known Member
i did my home work the plant is getting 20000 lumens and the soft halide has a color temp of 3.7k and flouresscent is almost 5k


Uses the Rollitup profile
You want to give your plant as long a day as possible while still maintaining flowering.

People that drop the hours of light during flowering haven't read Marijuana Botany, by Rob Clarke. He cites research that says that "twice as much THC is produced under a 12-hour photoperiod than under a 10-hour photoperiod." (!!) Read that again...

Basically, light is what causes THC production and cannabinoid biosynthesis, so we want to give our plants as much light as we can, as long as it's less than the critical daylength of the strain, which is what keeps it in flowering.

From years of experience, we know that 12 hours of dark will keep them in flowering, so for best results you want to give them at least 12 hours of light, not less.

HTH :mrgreen:

green thumb matt

Active Member
well it would make sense that the days get shorter from 18/6 to 12/12 in the fall so if you slowly decrease the hours in the last few weeks, lets say half an hour a week it might make the flowers finish up with a nicer transition but maybe it just depends on the plant. If i were you i would slowly ween off with the lighting hours.


Active Member
12/12 Thats what you want.
Get some 6000kelvin true blue bulbs.
Those 5000k and the hallide are the red tint you want that for flowering, veg is all about blue spectrum.