yeah i think you got a bit to anxious there and chopped too early, you can still see a bunch of white hairs which is a dead giveaway. those should turn redish brown and RECEDE back into the plant before you want to chop. Those buds would of got fatter
I'm doing this run by ALIENS, that's his pull time, so we'll see how the smoke is. I've got a bunch of SF so I'm not worried about it
I got my alien grenade beans too so maybe who knows what I'll do next
ahhhh the beauty of free gegenetics
in all honesty aliens, like lemon alien dog don't amber they yellow, and if any of you are in the Bay Area and would like to come smoke some, or see it feel free to contact me. also available at YBCOLLECTIVE sasaratoga
come smoke with me, and we'll see how bad you hate it and how medicated it doesn't get you