cutting off all the big fan leaves?


Well-Known Member
so really in the end it leads up to an opinion like i stated earlier its really your descretion and you can prob do what you wish and have no problems with yielding or growin. so good luck!! happy growing! and Smoke it Up!!!
Lol. Its not opinion. Its science. Studies back it up. The studies I remember reading about various plants like tomatoes are that a little yield can be gained by selective pruning. Its not a big increase. Its only effective to a point then will actually hurt yield.

Yes I know this is old.


Leave your plant alone.. Yes u wanna keep her neat at time so one or two or three leaves etc but leaves are sobyour plants can feed.. They feed on light yes additives help but plants needvlight, by that's my opinion goodluck, have a great grow... BTW I'm sorry I said leave it alone jus let your plant do her thing . some LST maybe or maybe evem mainline but jus let her b ..more u touch n fiddle more u loose trich wise an potency there big diff from plants barely touch n plants that get bump n fiddle with
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