Cutting roots in older healthy plants

Hello my fellow cannabis growers.. I have some plants in veg that have been sitting in 2 gallon pots for awhile. I waiting for my other guys to catch up before i put them into flower. Should I prune the roots when I transplant into bigger pots, never done it before but I'm thinking due to the elongated grow this may help them take off...

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
??? WHA ??? Cut roots,,,what ever for ??? Up potting? They'll still spread out! Why would you risk infection? Stress? Long recovery period?
Nah,,,not the best idea. To many chances for a major problem to arise.

And on a humorous note:
Damn, and Jorge says don't trim ANY leaves....This idea would KILL the

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
when i x-plant, i always run a blade 3-4 times up the side vertically (not too deep.) cutting the roots like this, promotes root-growth. if you keep mothers, this also comes in handy, to keep them the size you want. you can really saw off a big hunk of roots, and the plants do fine...