cutting tops, leaving lower buds to grow?


Active Member
i was wondering what people have to say about cutting off the top colas when done, and allowing the lower buds to grow a bit longer?

I know people have done it before, i've read in previous threads, but cant seem to find what im looking for with the search function.

My problem is my girls are too big! My grow tent is 6 feet tall, the plants in the flood table table start at about 2 feet, i flowered them when they were about 1 foot (knowing that they will grow 2-3 times as big), they definitely tripled in size, not doubled, and now the top buds are within inches of the cooltube. Heat isnt a problem, i've got a decent fan, but i cant raise the light any higher, it's a 400w hps, and i know im wasting light being so close as the peripheral buds are growing anywhere near as fast. I'm sure they could as the tent is only 3x1.5 feet area, and the light could easily light that whole tent evenly if it were high enough above the plants.

So should i cut the tops when ready and leave the rest to 'bud up' a bit?

heres some pics. I dont have any pics of the problem at the moment, but there is a pic when they were small (off my phone), and some bud porn off my new camera ( that is awesome!) that i shot a couple of days ago.

also any suggestion on taking better close ups?



Active Member
Try to take your plant stems buds on em and all and go down to somewhere on the plant that has an open spot, carefully twist from side to side the plant at the open spot very gently, then where you softened it w/ a twist put your two finger index and middle fingers on one side of the limb and your thumb on the other side of the limb, now just gently bend it till you hear a "pop", and down the bud will go and that lets light into the center of your ladies and shortens them in height, it's a technique I use often as you can see by the pic. It "NOT" hurt the plant it will take a day or two to get normalized again but the buds just curl up toward the light and keep going, you've now effectively shortened your plant without taking anything from it. Peace and God Bless You!:eyesmoke:
P.S. The 1st pic is before next one is after, see how the bud just curves up like a hook, if you do that all around and on all colas, you end up with a plant that looks like a hand formed into a big claw. Plus it lets your center buds get lots of light and increases yield if you just grow two or three moms like I do.



Well-Known Member
that i shot a couple of days ago.
also any suggestion on taking better close ups?
Tie down your tops the buds will turn back upright in a matter of hours. Most cameras have a macro or even super macro setting for closeups.


Active Member
thanks for the replies guys.

i just did that bendy thing to a few of the tops, so well see how they go. Already looks heaps better. Fingers crossed i havn't fucked it and they all recover and keep growing strong!

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
ya should be fine mate... weed is a plant that can take some serious abuse! and still give you a good crop at the end!


Active Member
Twisted is correct, they can take some real punishment! The only thing I say is and listen up please, DO NOT MAKE ANY OTHER BREAKS ABOVE THE ONE YOU'VE ALREADY MADE! AND DO NOT BREAK OR POP IF YOU WILL, MORE THAN 3 BRANCHES EVERY 3 DAYS! MOST IMPORTANT THAT YOU NEVER BREAK IT ABOVE THE ORIGINAL BREAK, BELOW THE BREAK OK, ABOVE IT IS A NO NO. I've put mine through so much crap and they still just grow, for some reason unless their male plants seems like nothing I do kills them, hell I was busting my ass the other day on the grow room and a whole bunch of my sweat got into my 20 gallon ebb and flow reservoir, plants still fine! Did not realize I was doing this till I was almost done. I had no worries, nothing has ever killed a plant in my grow room but me (ie: males, scraggly looking things, plants I know aren't going to produce much. Don't worry there poo, the "bendy thing" will be OK. I'm sure you'll be fine. Peace and God Bless!:weed:


Well-Known Member

Shadow may know what he is talking about, but I am weary of "strangers" giving out advice that entails bending a stem till it pops. I Have grown many many times, and for my grow box (4') I use the LST technique. Its what most recommend. Find a space up top and gently tie a string, then slowly bend over (DONT let it pop, I've never heard of anyone suggesting bending till it pops, this is bad on multiple levels.). Once you have it bent to the desired height, pop a hole in your container (if soil) and tie it off from there. This brought my 3.75' plant down to 2'.

Good Luck. :peace:


Active Member
I've done this a hundred times and would NEVER give anyone bad advice. I only tell people the things I've done and tried that WORK. Take a look at my "Bendy" pics, that tells you it works, you need to hear or feel the "pop" or it will just go straight back up again and your height advantage is shot. I live on a farm, been growing now for ole let's see my first successful grow was at oh 12 and I'm 40 now! LOL I know what I'm talking about. The bent buds are at the top of the page in my first reply. These pics are of some excellent sativa.

