

Well-Known Member
it depends on where you cut. Some places will regrow two shoots from the nearest nodes, some just one, some none. It really depends on other growth and where the clone is taken from. Read up on topping, as all the pertinent info on behavior is there, and plants behave somewhat mechanically in this regard. Realize that removing growth shoots will cause all lower nodes to increase growth at least temporarily.


Active Member
how long before flowering do you recommend to take the cuttings?
Great question (and answer brown bear), I was going to flower next week and just figured I'd take cuttings the day before. Now I will be doing my clones tomorrow...or pushing my plants a week extension in veg. They've already shown preflowers, so as long as its a week before 12/12 they should still be okay? preflowers or not? Cloning for the first time! Exciting! Guess its time to read up--'cos half of what the grow shop guy told me sunk in and the other half is kinda "hazy."!

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Well-Known Member
Talking about side growth, but I'm doing LST on the plant so everything grows the same height. How early can I take a cutting then? So I could flower it after it roots to determine the sex earlier. This is my plant atm (day 26 of veg today):

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You can take clones even in flowering.. But if you take a flowering clone you have to put it under 24 or 18/6 to revert it back to veg. It will take a little longer to root but it will still work.