Of course, no rush
CXA3070 2700K Official LER is 321
CXA3070 3000K Official LER 325
CXA3590 2700K Official LER 321
CXA3590 3000K Official LER 325
Vero 29 3000K (Mr Flux) LER 320
Vero 29 4000K (Mr Flux) LER 325
Will something like this work for digitizing?
View attachment 3177667
So If I understand well, Cxa 3000K driven at 1400mA provide the maximum light needed for a square meter.
If used in more than 52W than not only it would be inefficient but it could also harm the plant if all the other factor are not perfect such as CO2 supplementation and quick available nutrients.
Nice, I will stick to 35W per/m2 for now then.
LOL, I meant 1 square foot of course. I am not use to this measure but more to the square meter so it come naturally
Though I would love to have a big 400W cxa at 40% of efficiency in da house
A meter square to power would make about 1200$ for the light then. The price really begin to get down![]()
12 hours of constant (high) irradiation ,does not happen nowhere upon
the planet Earth.Is Abnormal situation ....
Well, here I have to say indoor is abnormal so no problem for me. The soil pot are abnormal, the areo/hydro CO2 supplement are all abnormal. It does make a different weed but doesn't matter to me.
Spring/Autumn at Equatorial zones ,might resemble that a bit ,but irradiance still is not constant from
8:00 am to 8:00 pm for example ...
While on a grow tent it is ....
Where I lived, for a practical experimentation in my studies we had a device (can't remember it's name lol) to calculate the irradiance. At the sun highest intensity time (around mid day), we where at 900W/sq meter. I am sure of this value btw. When some clouds appeared it was more light 400W/sq meter. And I said to myself, indoor is 400/600W per m2 all the day while the sun is on average 500W at the peak of the day. I personally prefer indoor weed and I understood why at this time.
Summertime ,close to North pole (*for the nothern Hemisphere ) ,Sweden let's say ..
Daylight lasts for almost all day long ..close to 24/24 ...With almost constant irradiance..
But irradiance is way low ...At average ~400-600 umols/sec (-900 umol/sec max noon peak )
Comparing to i.e Hellas,with a sunlight of average 1000umol/sec ( ~2000umol/sec noon peak) power and a duration of ~14 Hours ,at same time of year.
A 12 hours light regime ,under constant & high ( >1000umol/sec ) irradiation, is actually "overdriving" the photosynthetic systems of most plant species .
I live in europe, and I go north of africa every year. I learned to grow there with family, I have grown some myself. I can tell you something : the average there is not 900W/sq meter at mid day, in sumer I remember once a temperature of 52°C (taken under sun so not really accurate but at least 45°C in the shadow). The canna can flower almost at any period of the year overthere and the bud are much much better than any indoor grow or european outdoor grow if done by yourself. (in my opinion)
I guess same thing is happening in Afghanistan or Mexico. And canna is natural in these country it is a real weed in the proper sense of the terms. So It is use to this amount of light.
All this to say: I think you can go at more than 450W PAR /meter.
The only thing is there is no point in term of efficiency in indoor...
so @1400mA 10-12 pieces of AB bins per 1 square meter of leaf canopy area(ideally) ,
might be more than enough actually ..... Here I totally agree with you. Indoor and outdoor are different especially since we have no dimmer to imitate the amount of light increasing yet (I saw your thread and your idea is definitely possible look at aquarium light).
View attachment 3177689
The lower output was always clear. But with the RQE factored in...the spectral efficiency gains seem to be near nothing.
Any links to sources of those graphs ?View attachment 3178138
This is the McCree 1972 data vs DIN-5031-10 from 2000 ("alt") and from 2013 ("neu"). Will the real action spectrum step forward please.
We'll soon see.I 'm really leaning towards the assumption ,that no more than 10-12 CXAs(of the above case ) should be used ,
per square meter ...
Driven at 1400mA ,ten to 12 Cxas AB bin ,will be more than fine (if still not being kinda much ..)
In order to reach the ' Photosynthetic photosaturation limits' of one square meter of grow space (~9sqr.feet) ,
using Cree CXA3070 3000°K ,80CRI arrays ,bin AB ,at 1400mA drive current
and with a cooling design ,that will provide a stable Tc = 55°C ...
15 pieces are enough,for the job ....