cxa3070s@350mA orientation

800ma would be maxing the power supply out with 4x .2A fans. Supra used to link this psu, though I have never used it myself. Select the 2A version from the drop menu and it would allow you to add more fans later if needed.
That's weird. I've got a few of those recovered from old lights I bought, 12vdc power supply's running for quite a while now..some running up to 4 small fans.

Maybe you got the wiring mixed up? One set to ac the other to dc fans...possibly that was the noise you heard

I put a semi cheapo..caged frame in in my new light. Works well enough. The meanwell ones look really nice..can't recall the product name/number.

Four fans you might want a 2a supply..1a might be cutting it a little close depending on what they consume

Definitely not a computer fan expert..somehow always manage to get them to work

Used this one...
thank you for the quick replies fellas

good news and bad news

Good news first, I found a block that was labeled P/N and ET? but rigged it up accordingly and the fans came right on. derr...

Bad news is its still buzzing when I go up to x2 fans, so I may be pushing it, I went all the way up to three and they all ran fine but the buzzing was there, louder than the fans themselves. So, 2A supply it is. thank you guys, shows that if scotch can do it, anyone can do it! C'mon puff dont be scerr'd!
Scocth, I have come across a PSU that does the same thing. I honestly do not know why it wont run the fans and when I disconnect it makes a strange squeal. I got a replacement from the seller and it does the same thing. It is a high quality, high efficiency 9V adapter from "Ambit".

The 12V 1A PSU linked above will work for you (~4 fans @ 12V) and it is adjustable from 11V-13V which is very handy. The 2A version is adjustable from 8.4V-14.2V.
Ya I think that is especially important if you are running them at 8.4V. I put capacitors on mine also as a precaution. I also found some enclosed high efficiency 9V adapters on eBay. In theory, since the adapters are set at 9V rather than being "dimmed" they may be more reliable at starting. Not that I have had a problem with fans not starting, but better safe than sorry. Example 9V adapter
I use the 2A one but also had to add 2- 2200? capacitors to make sure all 4 fans came on.

What do the capacitors do? I bought the 12V 2A supply for four fans that'll total out to 800mA and <10w. Should I be looking towards a similar solution?

On another note I tore down my all white A51 and it had an 800mA Psu in it. May try that if this 2A one will give trouble.
The capacitors are supposed to give a small boost to the fans during startup, to make sure they start reliably when the voltage is dimmed down. Did you dim the PSU voltage down all the way?
What do the capacitors do? .

Capacitors Store electricity like batteries do. Main difference is capacitors can release all there stored electricity very quickly. The high voltage caps can kill so it is really important to discharge high voltage caps before working on them. The primary roll of all those capacitors you see on circuit boards is noise filtering. They are really good at cleaning up the electricity so things run properly. Alot of electrical componants wont work or work correctly if the supply voltage is noisey.
I mean the voltage adjustment on the PSU itself (I am assuming you bought the 12V 2A mentioned above or is it something different?)
O no I have my ol pro grows fan psu, and the one out of my old A51 (just spent some time out there trying to get it to work- no go. swapped wires back and forth, with and without the term., notta) had power going all the way to the fan but no movement.

I did order this one from newegg though, the 12v 2A you guys linked just went through a reliable resource that I thought would should faster- come to find out they source them from china so i payed a couple bucks more for it to take just as long.

Edit: nvm spoke too soon, a51 Psu works
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Got all my pots for the fans, did figure out how to run two off of one, but now I think I'm just going to leave them running full blast. Those fuckers are quiet!! Seriously, all four of them going and my oscilating fan is going to be significantly louder. I won't be able to hear the panel running on my way to Narnia like I had with any of my other panels.

Here's a picture of the wirin on the pot and fans, more than one wire. Big thing to remember is the positive IN goes on the "wiper" in the center, and then your positive OUT on which ever side you want the knob to turn, negative opposite of that.

Okay guys, hope everyone has been doing well! being safe over the holiday weekend and what not (had a family friend get ejected from the car while DUI and no seat belt, stupid judgement.. blows my mind. but, walked away with nothing but a broken shoulder and chipped tooth. w.o.w.)

Made a bit more progress, have the fans mounted in place, made myself a mount from old heatsinks for my power inlet and switch (since im looking at ditching the casings, as of right now, they look like hell, got em all rivoted together, cut to size, and glass removed, but cutting the holes in the back for the fans really jacked things up- I may be able to have my father clean them up but for now it is moving forward with out the case) anyways, got those wired up and the fans running properly off the switch with my respective wires for the drivers that are due in a few days (fingers crossed)

XML2s status is a state over, but have been there for two days so hopefully Ill get those in today. I have the day off (my job requires safety glasses or prescription safety glasses and I have a "sti" so im off till further notice- nice down time to hang out with the fam, grill out, and get shit done!)

BUT, my question to you beautiful folk- how do we check if things are grounded, the fans do not have a ground wire but the power inlet does, I have mounted that to the slab of heatsink I cut for the switch and supply, but want to make sure this fucker isnt live before hooking up the drivers (they DO have a gorund wire, that will be mounted to the same screw as the inlet's)

Just waitin on the last components and we should be square. Now to keep on passin piss tests and get this LIFE class over with and see if we cant get out of proby early.

I am thinking about getting some 78* reflectors for the ABs but I still have to juggle the idea around in my head about other angles and such. With how much has been coming up with heat and the CXAs lately, Id like to keep some distance (14-24" was my usual, before the AT) Take care everyone!
There is a little heat that comes off mine...but even at 8" it's fine for the plants. It's 50w(for mine) coming out of a quarter sized I see where said heat is coming from. But as far as effecting ambient...not at all. It's the same heat(actually less cause of their superior efficiency) as the heat from smaller diodes, smaller ones just spread it out.
I would love to see if a reflector(s) can keep the par up a little farther away.
No that's my fault epic, I should not have jumped the gun so quickly, now it adds up. just accustomed to random posts of the such. I apologize.

So this is what's goin down- got my xml2s (though the chips say xml), and 3 out of the 8 beeeeeeep nice and noisy when I tested em. Giving me like .004 reading instead of lighting up from the test current. These not soldered to the stars correctly? I plan on getting in contact tonight if so. The other five had been soldered into the panel and set in place, wired all the connection I could. Did get my 2a/12V fan Psu and went ahead and swapped those out.

And thinking about using some of my shitty 730s and my cheap driver for a few FR emitters for when flower is well on its way/trigger.
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Scotch, I deleted the post anyway.

I have some of those same stars, I just tested them because of what you said. I get no beep from continuity test and they all light up from 3xAAA batteries. Now I'm seeing spots.