CXA3070's + HLG-120H-70 + SST-120's?


Well-Known Member
Good morning!
I'd like to ask for some peer review. I have six CXA3070's bolted to a hodge-podge of PC coolers, each with its own small driver and fan.

Time to dismantle & start over again.

I want to run them passive. And with one driver (in series) instead of a half dozen.

A Supra Spreadsheet states the Meanwell HLG-120H-C700 can drive 6.1 CXA3070's. Here's a link to Supra's original post...

The pin coolers from Northern Grow Lights look like a good deal. NGL claims the Cooliance SST-120 is capable of dissipating 35 to 60W passive. CXA3070 forward voltage is 38.5V. Figuring dissipation at each COB, 38.5 volts X .7 amps equals roughly 27 watts per COB, correct? Well within the SST-120's rating.

Is my math OK? Does anyone have a better suggestion? I wouldn't mind a slightly more powerful driver as long as it was dimmable, but if you guys don't see anything wrong I'll probably just go with the above.
Good morning!
I'd like to ask for some peer review. I have six CXA3070's bolted to a hodge-podge of PC coolers, each with its own small driver and fan.

Time to dismantle & start over again.

I want to run them passive. And with one driver (in series) instead of a half dozen.

A Supra Spreadsheet states the Meanwell HLG-120H-C700 can drive 6.1 CXA3070's. Here's a link to Supra's original post...

The pin coolers from Northern Grow Lights look like a good deal. NGL claims the Cooliance SST-120 is capable of dissipating 35 to 60W passive. CXA3070 forward voltage is 38.5V. Figuring dissipation at each COB, 38.5 volts X .7 amps equals roughly 27 watts per COB, correct? Well within the SST-120's rating.

Is my math OK? Does anyone have a better suggestion? I wouldn't mind a slightly more powerful driver as long as it was dimmable, but if you guys don't see anything wrong I'll probably just go with the above.

I Love That Your Re-Using Your Old Leds. Just Upping Your Game With Heatsinks. I Did That Myself. I Updated From The Artic 11 To The SST-140 And I'm Loving It. The Upgrade Made My Lights More Manageable Plus My Vero Angels Show Me More Love. Here's An Idea HLG-320-1400B This Will Put You At About 53 Watts Per Cob. I'm Running My Citizen 1812's At 65 Watts on The SST-120'S With No Problem. :weed:
Thanks, Mr. Dawg. I appreciate your suggestion. According to the spec sheet on Mouser, the HLG-320-1400"A" is adjustable thru a range of 700 - 1050mA. That would probably be good enough for me. The "B" series requires a couple of pieces of wire and a potentiometer to adjust, right? And you get a wider range with the external pot vs. the "A"s internal?

Rigging up a pot isn't hard, is it? Seems a lot of growers have done just that.

Anyone got a link that explains what pot I should buy? Are pots specific to certain groups of Meanwell drivers, or does one pot rule them all?

EDIT: Some of mau5's videos help to understand the 10K pot & resistor thing.
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