CXA3590 Build Plan

lol @ barbie bike , i pictured something more like this



Just grow plants in the dark as you pedal along. How efficient is that??
No one called on you to tell me how to act or to calm down, my friend, this is how we do it uptown.

You assume I am upset, which makes it look like they have upset me, so what are you playing at? :)

You not passively aggressively trying to limit my speech, or are you? make you happy?

You are happy, right? I certainly am. I'm made in the shade with lemonaide planning my Schwinn? How's your thing going?e
You sir lol I know how you feel. My bad I just don't want you to be labeled a troll like me lol.
No one called on you to tell me how to act or to calm down, my friend, this is how we do it uptown.

You assume I am upset, which makes it look like they have upset me, so what are you playing at? :)

You not passively aggressively trying to limit my speech, or are you? make you happy?

You are happy, right? I certainly am. I'm made in the shade with lemonaide planning my Schwinn? How's your thing going?e
Well you know I almost died on 3-4-2014 from a car accident, I was also shot on 3-23-91. I have an attitude to be me but I have to tone it down because I can get aggressive and that's not good when you are communicating with people.
Fuck dude! Glad you made it. And if you look I am as meek as a Samuri Tiger until provoked, and still I did nothing but yawn and scratch.

I almost died a couple of times too. My attitude now, it bring it on. And I have a very strict Constructionist viewpoint about "communicate with people." And what you see is this part of it.

I get it done, by standing up to bullies, even the forum clown types.
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why would you assume i have a problem i am merely a spectator to these shenanigans
it appears to me that YOU are one of the folk with a problem
you seem to be disgruntled because Doer does not wish to follow your advice
surely you can accept that and just move on ?

there are possibly people who would welcome your "help" why waste time on someone who doesn't want it

your comment above seems quite emotional to me, you might as well of said
"my bike is faster than yours" or "my dad can beat your dad up"
you have turned it into a juvenile competition

are you so accustomed to people agreeing with you that Doer's refusal to agree has sent you into shock ... bruised ego perhaps ?
I love how you take one line out of context from a whole post. But ok, I'll play.

He said I don't want to wait or try and find them(cxb's) he will use CXA's.
I said, wait two weeks is all you have to do. I could get CXB's before he gets his in how long of a wait could it actually be.
Once again you don't listen...I don't care what he does. But he needs to stop saying we are wrong and crazy. If he just declined but accepted the truths, that is fine. But he is a dick about things that he his wrong about, and won't even listen, just starts yelling to go away.
Once again I have done nothing by suggest things that make his design better. and SHOWED it many times.

All I want to see is some facts and example supporting anything he has said. How about his first uneducated and backed post trying to sound like he knows something...
Since the leaves are more or less transparent to PAR, defoliation throws away THC. It is based on a wives tale that you are shading the lower leaves. But, you are not.

Now to @Doer "they cost more" situation. They as a single piece do...they into a system...don't. They allow you to run more on one driver than you can it's cxa's counter part for most any higher voltage driver made(meanwell recom,...). Saving you a driver, plus the lower wattage...and they now match the drivers so well that they are maxed out efficiency...every single little improvement adding to the over all bettering of the system.
But I'm dumb right.

If he wanted to get a1000w of led and limit cob/$$$ purchases...
Why stop at 100w.
It burns your butt. So, how come you ignore questions like these?
I think what you all are trying to say, is this Air Rail (tm) will support 20 x 30mm COBs running at 50w each.

Why wouldn't I put 10 on a separate Air Rail (tm) and plumb them both to the suction? That's how you get spread, right? By the time I built that, I have the same watts but I am saving Kwh.
And if you are working at 36v you are wasting amps. Only so many amps per circuit.


My latest design is using a 400VDC max driver at 500mA. The 11x cxb2530 drop about 385V in one long series chain...

It's a stupid argument anyway because the current from the wall to the driver would be the same regardless because it's a 120V socket (given the same watts dissipated)... What do you think the driver does?
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I love how you take one line out of context from a whole post. But ok, I'll play.

How was it out of context .. you were boasting , which i believe was unnecessary
even if you build a light quicker than he does what does that prove, will you win a prize or trophy ?

you are basically saying you know more than him and he should follow you, he is saying he is not interested
if Doer is so difficult to communicate with and you think he is hostile or ungrateful , why bother ?
How was it out of context .. you were boasting , which i believe was unnecessary
even if you build a light quicker than he does what does that prove, will you win a prize or trophy ?

you are basically saying you know more than him and he should follow you, he is saying he is not interested
if Doer is so difficult to communicate with and you think he is hostile or ungrateful , why bother ?

I'd say GG deserves a TON of credit for what he's been doing, and for all he's showed us in his builds, journals, and youtube videos.

I think emulating success is a great model.
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I'd say GG deserves a TON of credit .

You made GG feel all warm and fuzzy , a true hero among men ..
hopefully GG will soon return the favour and compliment you on your awesomeness

mutual back patting makes me feel fuzzy too, spread the love :)
You made GG feel all warm and fuzzy , a true hero among men ..
hopefully GG will soon return the favour and compliment you on your awesomeness

mutual back patting makes me feel fuzzy too, spread the love :)
says the homer, what exactly do you have to offer to this thread besides nut hugging? Supporting your boy or what the fuck ever....Iro-fuckn-yyy
Now to @Doer "they cost more" situation. They as a single piece do...they into a system...don't. They allow you to run more on one driver than you can it's cxa's counter part for most any higher voltage driver made(meanwell recom,...). Saving you a driver, plus the lower wattage...and they now match the drivers so well that they are maxed out efficiency...every single little improvement adding to the over all bettering of the system.
But I'm dumb right.

If he wanted to get a1000w of led and limit cob/$$$ purchases...
Why stop at 100w.

You guys have a funny way of helping. This looks great! 19a @ 50v = 950w Nice.

Thanks, got any more dirt like this? Truck sized power supplies, stuff like that? :)
I think what you all are trying to say, is this Air Rail (tm) will support 20 x 30mm COBs running at 50w each.

Why wouldn't I put 10 on a separate Air Rail (tm) and plumb them both to the suction? That's how you get spread, right? By the time I built that, I have the same watts but I am saving Kwh.
says the homer, what exactly do you have to offer to this thread besides nut hugging? Supporting your boy or what the fuck ever....Iro-fuckn-yyy

Sorry i am having difficulty making sense of your post , did i offend you in some way >?
i am here to watch Doer plain/build his light, as far as i know he does not require my help, and i would not try to force it on him either because i am not pretentious
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  1. Here's one, only 6a, inefficient-as-hella-blast-light. This is kinda like Christmas and my Birthday all rolled into one. Hey maybe it sounds like Stockholm Syndrome, but, gosh darn it, I don't care. Whatever you say about them....<sniff>...ahem..
3000K P35-12S6P-3080 80CRI 6000ma 20050l/m3 40.6vF

And the USA headquarters is 20 miles from me! So, what is about these that everyone loves?

Why are all you using these and pretending about Crees?
These will make perfect side lights and party gifts!

It is like milking baby goats. You never know what you might squeeze out.
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