CXB2530 burning up Driver?

Quick question,

I have been hacking Mars hydro for parts and one of the knock offs I have has a driver pumping out 35v @ 1300mA.

Check the lights when I got home tonight and one of the cobs is cracked and not working, the other one is covered in tiny cracks but still working for now.

If you were to have a guess... Think it's getting over supplied with mA? Would running two cobs in parallel be a better choice for a couple of days until I can order in some better parts?

Right now I need the led working as I've got no back up for this side of the tent.


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See page 6

The CXB2530 pulls 36.5V to almost 38V @ 1300mA depending on the temperature, lower temp means higher voltage.
So the driver is very far from ideal with the COB.

Also what heatsinks did you use? If it's the heatsink from the Mars-Hydro the cracks may be from the COB overheating at that current but that's just a guess.
As current increases COBs will be more sensitive towards heat.

If an inadequate heat sink is the issue then driving 2 cobs parallel may fix the cracking because of higher efficiency and the heat spread out over a bigger surface on the heatsink.
If the cracking is caused by the driver being inadequate or delivering dirty current then it would at best slow the cracking.
Thanks for the info... I had to go out and buy a heat sink because the Mars knock off was of such great quality.... It didn't have one!!

I think I know what to do in the mean time, order some spare cobs, run in parallel , buy a second heat sink, run 4 cobs across two drivers @ 650ma whilst I wait for my better quality drivers to turn up.