Cxb3500 build for 3x3

Haven't shown what I got going on in flower. Running some Exotic Genetix, gutbuster and blackberry cream. These girls are doing so good I had to take out the DSLR with macro(60mm does true 1:1).
Gutbuster first
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Trichome are just monstrous, can see them clearly with the naked eye.IMG_20160625_172613.jpg IMG_20160625_172423.jpg IMG_20160625_171746.jpg
Blackberry cream that is leaning more towards the cookie sideIMG_20160625_172106.jpg
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And another blackberry that is more blackberry kush.
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Couldn't be happier with the lights, so nice to be able to turn them down some during this heatwave.
The smell is intense, hits you like a brick when you walk in the door. The gutbusters are really sweet almost citrusy. Bit there is a just a overwhelming sweet skunky funk coming out.