CXB3590 1500W

noobie here.. just joined today and working my way through this thread from page 1 today - incredibly useful info, although my head is swimming with all the acronyms and calcs...

I follow your formula until the last line... where does the 4.65 come from?

You don't have to have a doctorate degree in mathematics to hang out here...wouldn't be a liability though! Notice in that above formula from Supra it comes out to about 15 PAR watts a square foot (remember that). IMO you will be a happy camper if you design and build to meet or beat that number with warm cobs...and you will have a very even canopy of photons if you have at least 1 cob per square foot.

No I'm not a mathematics major...but I did read a lot and spent a few nights at a Holiday Inn.
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How many watts does that pull/output? Sorry im a noob to this.

Just told us how many gr you want to pull!
1500w in a!!!!
Yes maybe with mars to get you want 700gr you will need 600w of cxb against 1500w of mars...!

Umm, not exactly sure what you're getting at, and i know this thread is for a 1500w setup, i just dont know how much it cost. Plus i need a setup just for flower i dont need a veg/flower light, and i dont know how the math works yet on these COB's to calculate what it runs at with which chips
How many watts does that pull/output? Sorry im a noob to this.

Umm, not exactly sure what you're getting at, and i know this thread is for a 1500w setup, i just dont know how much it cost. Plus i need a setup just for flower i dont need a veg/flower light, and i dont know how the math works yet on these COB's to calculate what it runs at with which chips
64wattsx8. 504 watts. It's a beast.
64wattsx8. 504 watts. It's a beast.

is that how much it pulls from the wall or the "HPS equivalent" i'm trying to get around 1200w equivalent of HPS, i was going to buy a BlackDog LED panel, but i know how much COB technology is ahead. I need to draw up a schematic of what i would need to achieve the equivalent to a 1200w HPS setup, just for flowering. how many chips, how many drivers, etc.
is that how much it pulls from the wall or the "HPS equivalent" i'm trying to get around 1200w equivalent of HPS, i was going to buy a BlackDog LED panel, but i know how much COB technology is ahead. I need to draw up a schematic of what i would need to achieve the equivalent to a 1200w HPS setup, just for flowering. how many chips, how many drivers, etc.

4 CXB3590 chips on a 200W driver; 56% efficiency, 824 PPfD over 6 sq ft. If you're trying for a canopy in the 24 sq ft range, 4 of this combo would do very well.
i need a canopy of 16ft^2. so i would need 12 chips on 3 drivers?

for a 4'x4' canopy you can go a couple of directions. You can go for higher efficiency and use (8) CXB3590, 36v, 3500k, CD bin, (2) HLG-185H-C1400 drivers for a higher efficincy, or you can opt for (4) CXB3590 as ttystikk suggested. Both are valid, one has higher upfront cost but longer sustainability as COB's will be running lower amps. peace.
for a 4'x4' canopy you can go a couple of directions. You can go for higher efficiency and use (8) CXB3590, 36v, 3500k, CD bin, (2) HLG-185H-C1400 drivers for a higher efficincy, or you can opt for (4) CXB3590 as ttystikk suggested. Both are valid, one has higher upfront cost but longer sustainability as COB's will be running lower amps. peace.

I'm guessing you meant 8? or 18? 8 chips and 2 drivers? would you arrange them 1 chip/ 2ft^2?
for a 4'x4' canopy you can go a couple of directions. You can go for higher efficiency and use (8) CXB3590, 36v, 3500k, CD bin, (2) HLG-185H-C1400 drivers for a higher efficincy, or you can opt for (4) CXB3590 as ttystikk suggested. Both are valid, one has higher upfront cost but longer sustainability as COB's will be running lower amps. peace.
Ya he's right, you forgot to specify the quantity of cobs.
A different thread shot me over to this link here, im tired of not being able to trust LED manufacture's and their specs. Does this COB panel seem to appear legit? are those 9 COBs really enough to replace a 1000w HPS over a 4x4 canopy?
That would work very well.

I see, now that puts the total for the 12 chips and 3 drivers alone @ $921. This does not include heatsinks, fans, driver for the fans, solder & gun, wiring, case/frame etc. Would it be safer and maybe even cheaper to purchae a pre-build Cree led grow light?
It might be safer and easier, but not cheaper.

Very true, however, i meant cheaper in the context of counting time as a factor to cost. The time its going to take me to learn and draw up a schematic, then cut/measure/assemble etc is all measurable in a dollar amount (to me anyways) I work and go to school full time so i dont have days to work on this, and i have a couple friends that are "investing" in this grow.

My concern is finding a reputable pre-built grow panel that doesnt state numbers talking out their asses, every company i find eventually leads me to some forum talking about how much BS they spew and that their lights are a complete rip off. Other than this one here, i have been unable to find any grow light manufactures with the large cree chips. Now i know its expensive, but i (we) are willing to put up the bulk cash up front for saving costs in electricity and cooling come this summer (screw a HPS setup in southern california with hot weather and horrid electricity rates).
Very true, however, i meant cheaper in the context of counting time as a factor to cost. The time its going to take me to learn and draw up a schematic, then cut/measure/assemble etc is all measurable in a dollar amount (to me anyways) I work and go to school full time so i dont have days to work on this, and i have a couple friends that are "investing" in this grow.

My concern is finding a reputable pre-built grow panel that doesnt state numbers talking out their asses, every company i find eventually leads me to some forum talking about how much BS they spew and that their lights are a complete rip off. Other than this one here, i have been unable to find any grow light manufactures with the large cree chips. Now i know its expensive, but i (we) are willing to put up the bulk cash up front for saving costs in electricity and cooling come this summer (screw a HPS setup in southern california with hot weather and horrid electricity rates).

Johnson Grow Lights
Tasty LED
There's more companies advertising right here on RIU.
My bad .. I'm just getting to know how this forrum woks. I'll remove it for you.
And actually I'm realizing I didn't even comment on the thread I thought I did. Sorry about that.