Cyanobacteria slime algae in Aero Cloner? Sterilizing?


Well-Known Member
has anyone tried cleaning their cloner with lysol? so far ive tried bleach, shock, h202 and ive just now started an erythromycin treatment. Has anyone ever ran lysol (concentrated form in gallon jug) to sterilize their cloner? ive got a 100 size turbo clone that i can not get cuttings to root.
Cyanobacteria needs light, if you have cyano you need to reduce light and phosphorus first, and yes increase oxygenation, just as harley said. I use six drops of plain liquid household bleach per gallon every three days to prevent bacterial growth in my reservoirs and cloner. H2o2 will also kill cyanobac. I think, if you really have cyanobac, then you must have a light leak.
no this is not the case, bleach nor h202 will not kill cyanobacteria and it does not need light.

I’ve seen the slime many times throughout the years and have tried many things to eradicate it and now I found the secret. The Slime is known as Brown Slime Algae but don’t be fooled by the name because it is not an algae. People have thought for many years that it was an algae but electron microscapy has shown that it is actually a Cyanobacteria. Anyone who has had to deal with this slime knows how nasty this stuff is and it multiplies like crazy within 24 hours. The Slime comes from your drinking water and can be very hard to get rid of. Some people can get rid of it with a good Bleach or Physan20 but I’ve had the slime for years in 3 of my EZCloners and no matter how much Bleach or Physan 20 that I use, it just keeps on coming back stronger. Every time I get the slime I have to resort to going to the grow shop and buying a new easy cloner which is why I currently have 5 ezcloners. I believe that if you have the slime and you tried to clean it with Bleach or Physan 20 and it didn’t work, it is because the specific slime that you have has built up a resistance to chlorine. There are organic approaches in keeping the slime at bay but it is still there waiting for the opportunity to take hold of your plants.

Here's a couple of pictures of some cuts that have "The Slime":

Here are pictures of new cuts that came from the same EZ Cloner that was covered with Slime after I gave my Erythromycin treatments for 6 days (cuts were in the cloner for 10 days):

The slime looks like clear, brown or yellow snot. In this post, I will explain how to get rid of the slime forever. The first approach that I would suggest that you do is to quadruple the dosage of bleach or physan20 and run your cloner or equipment for 24 hours with the bleach or physan 20 after soaking the lid or equipment in the bathtub for 6 hours with bleach. If you continue to get the slime after that, then you will know that the slime that you have has become resistant to chlorine and you will have to take the more extreme measure.

Here is a picture of the Erythromycin product that I use:

The extreme measure that you may need to take is an antibiotic and the antibiotic that I’m talking about is Erythromycin. If you must take this extreme measure, do not treat this lightly. You do not want this slime building up a resistance to Erythromycin and becoming a Super Slime. You will also want to wear gloves, goggles, a mask and long sleeves so that you don’t inhale or get any erythromycin on you. You can buy Erythromycin at a store that sells exotic fish. You will need to give at least 4 treatments over 4 days and you will want to finish all 4 treatments so that the slime isn’t able to build up a resistance. If you are trying to clean out your cloner, it is important to take out the sprayers and clean out the inside of the manifold. I was surprised to see that inside one of my manifolds, there was slime everywhere. Take the manifold to the bathtub and fill it up with hot water and just keep shaking out the dreaded slime. You should know when it is all gone because when you fill the manifold up with water and turn it upside down, you will see water coming out of every hole where the sprayers were. If you still see a clog then that will be a sign that you still have slime in there. If the slime is stuck inside one of the sprayer holes, you can use a toothpick to stick in there to release the slime back into the manifold and then continue filling it up with hot water and shake the rest of it out. After you are done with washing everything out, you will want to unclog any sprayer and screw them back into the manifold and fill up the Cloner or equipment up with just water and add your first treatment of Erythromycin. You will continue to add your Erythromycin every 24 hours for at least the next 3 days but to be safe I would continue treatments for a total of 6 days. Make sure when you are treating your cloner or equipment that your pumps are turned on so it will clean the inside of the pump and manifold.

When you are done with your treatments, make sure that you throw out your neoprene collars and buy new ones to avoid possible contamination and also because the collars can hold the Erythromycin. You should also throw out any filters, tubing and air stones and replace them with new ones. Next you will want to dump out all of the water / Erythromycin solution and thoroughly wash out your cloner or equipment with water including the pump and manifold. Make sure to run your pump when you are cleaning it with water. Now you will be bacteria free and The Slime will be gone forever. From this point on, you should also consider boiling your water for 20 minutes on the stove and letting it come back to room temperature and only add back that water to the cloner to avoid getting another case of the slime.

Cyanobacteria is not algae. If it were algae it would be very easy to get rid of. Here is a quote taken right off of The University of California Museum of Paleontology:

"Cyanobacteria are among the easiest microfossils to recognize. They are larger than other bacteria, and morphologies in the group have remained much the same for billions of years.

Like other bacteria, cyanobacteria have no nucleus or internal membrane systems. In many species, however, the external membrane has been folded to increase total surface area. The "packets" created in the cell membrane by these foldings are the surfaces across which the chemical reactions of photosynthesis take place.

All cyanobacteria are unicellular, though many grow in colonies or filaments, often surrounded by a gelatinous or mucilaginous sheath. Nostoc, pictured below at left, may produce spherical colonies as much as three or four centimeters in diameter. These are large enough to be mistaken for amphibian eggs. Fossilized cyanobacterial mounds are called stromatolites.

Despite the fact that they lack flagella, many cyanobacteria are capable of moving about. Oscillatoria, pictured above at right, gets its name from the "swaying" motion of its filaments when observed under the microscope. No one has yet determined how these filaments are able to do this."

Like I said Cyanobacteria is not algae. People thought that "Brown Slime Algae" was algae so they named it wrong. They were mistaken just like you are. The real name is supposed to be called "Brown Slime Bacteria" but people are confused. Now you know.
no this is not the case, bleach nor h202 will not kill cyanobacteria and it does not need light.

Technically true, but bleach and light deprivation can stop reproduction. Combined with thorough cleaning it is an effective treatment.

Pointing out how other people are wrong without offering an alternative solution is pretty fucking weak sauce, honestly. When I do it, it is bullshit. When you do it, the same.
What is water temp?

Lower the water temp, add bleach or pool shock and block light and the problem will go away. Been there done that. Always too high water temp.
Damn, why didn’t I think of that? I have never had it when growing plants, but have experience with it in aquariums, which is a much harder problem to solve because you cannot easily nuke everything and start over.

Technically true, but bleach and light deprivation can stop reproduction. Combined with thorough cleaning it is an effective treatment.

Pointing out how other people are wrong without offering an alternative solution is pretty fucking weak sauce, honestly. When I do it, it is bullshit. When you do it, the same.

it hasnt, ive done both already. ive also thouroughly cleaned the cloner numerous times used with shock, bleach and physan 20
What is water temp?

Lower the water temp, add bleach or pool shock and block light and the problem will go away. Been there done that. Always too high water temp.

ive ran it as low as 65F. should i go lower? when i ran it at 65F the clones sat in the cloner for about a month and never got roots. this was with ph'd well water and bleach at about 5 drops per gallon.

ive ran it as low as 65F. should i go lower? when i ran it at 65F the clones sat in the cloner for about a month and never got roots. this was with ph'd well water and bleach at about 5 drops per gallon.
You should be good at 65-68f, if you're still getting root rot and dampening off then there is definitely something else going on.

Have you tried killing everything running and sterilizing the entire grow area down and just start fresh with new seed? If not that would be my suggestion if you keep running into the same issue. Cloning should be just as easy as any other aspect of growing.

Hope you get it figured out.
This is my 5th attempt to root clones in this thing. The first time I ran clones I Got Roots after 3 weeks and they were ugly. I stripped the unit down cleaned it thoroughly bleached h202 assembled rinsed and tried attempt number two this time at week 4 I had no roots plants were dying yellowing and the cuts were mushy/brown. Next attempt I stripped down the unit cleaned thoroughly with bleach, physan 20 and h202 reassembled and tried again with the same results... I tried this same method again with an even greater attention to detail to cleaning out every nook and cranny and still no roots. this last run i did it all over again but ran Erythromycin for 6 days then did a tear down and cleaning again afterwards. the latest batch of cuttings have been in since sunday morning.... no calluses or any sign that roots are gonna pop. temp is 76 deg. F using RO water mixed with snypes recipe cut in half for 5 gallons below.

Snype;5979686 said:
Please also check out my other cloning thread in the New Growers Section
Snype's Guide To Cloning In Rockwool Or Aeroponics With 100% Success Rates!

I have to say that I'm pretty excited about my cloning formula! I've done about a couple years of testing on this formula and the results just keep getting better. The last run, I got root nubs formed in 72 hours! Some of you may be skeptical but if you are why not give it a try and see what happens. I hate to be promoting one of the products that I think is the key to my formula but I have to put this information out there.

First I'd like to start out by stating that I do not use any gels or powders to dip the cuttings. I don't dip any cuttings in anything. I also do not score or shave any part of the cutting whatsoever and I think that it is crazy to do that. All that I do is cut the cutting at a 45 degree angle with a pair of scissors and stick it in the EZ Clone 60.

Before I place any cuttings into the cloner, I make sure that the cloner is 100% sterile. If it is not, I give 6 treatments of Erythromycin for 6 days. Once my treatments are done and my cloner is rinsed out real well, I place new sprayers, tubing and neoprene and add 10 Gallons of tap water to the cloner.

After I add 10 Gallons of tap water, I add:

20 mL General Hydroponic FloraMicro
30 mL General Hydroponic FloraBloom
3 mL SuperTHRIVE
0.5 mL Clorox Bleach

I make sure to pH the solution to 6.0 after I add in all the above products.

I can't stress this enough, every single step in my process is very important. There is not one that is more important than the other. It is extremely important that the MOMS that you take your cuts from are in extremely excellent health. Not only that, it's also important that the run-off of your medium is in line. Soil run-off should be 6.0 - 6.5, hydro run-off should be 5.8 - 6.2. Coco should be somewhere in between soil and hydro. It is also important that your mothers are well fed about 5 days before you take the cuttings and the medium is not dry at the time that you take the cuttings.

Once you follow the steps above, I also advise to change out the air pump of the cloner to a size of how ever much solution the cloner holds, your air pump should equal at least half those liters or gallons per minute. So if you have an EZ Clone 60 which holds 10 Gallons of Solution (37.9 Liter), your air pump should be rated at 19 Liters / Minute. I use 4 air stones with the EZ Clone 60.

Now after all that work, all you have to do is place your cuttings in the cloner and wait a few days to see root nubs appear! I like my solution to be somewhere in the range of 75-82 degrees F. Also remember that some strains are harder to root than others but on easier strains, you can get root nubs in 3 days and roots like this in 10 days or less:

View Image

And these are the Root Nubs forming on the 3rd day:

View Image

Don't believe me though, try it for yourself and report back to this thread!!!

ive ran it as low as 65F. should i go lower? when i ran it at 65F the clones sat in the cloner for about a month and never got roots. this was with ph'd well water and bleach at about 5 drops per gallon.
This is my 5th attempt to root clones in this thing. The first time I ran clones I Got Roots after 3 weeks and they were ugly. I stripped the unit down cleaned it thoroughly bleached h202 assembled rinsed and tried attempt number two this time at week 4 I had no roots plants were dying yellowing and the cuts were mushy/brown. Next attempt I stripped down the unit cleaned thoroughly with bleach, physan 20 and h202 reassembled and tried again with the same results... I tried this same method again with an even greater attention to detail to cleaning out every nook and cranny and still no roots. this last run i did it all over again but ran Erythromycin for 6 days then did a tear down and cleaning again afterwards. the latest batch of cuttings have been in since sunday morning.... no calluses or any sign that roots are gonna pop. temp is 76 deg. F using RO water mixed with snypes recipe cut in half for 5 gallons below.

Have u had any luck with slime after you used Erythromycin? I am having a similar slime issue that i just cant find a solution to. I have lowered temps(69 degrees). thoroughly washed out cloner with bleach, vinegar, and or physan 20. I have used Ro and tap, with and without clonex solution, with and without clear rez just tryin to trouble shoot the problem. I, like u went out and bought a new cloner and still, slime in 3 days!! I even bought ro from a store with brand new machine. I was thinkin something had built up in the old ones. Also, have used cloners for 7 years and have seen this slime in the past but never this fast. I have takin a hundred + clones a month for years with 100 percent success rate....but now, outta nowhere, this slime comes along and treats me like im a rookie. Is it paossible that the bacteria could come from the cuttings themselves? It is the only thing that makes any sense
I've had very good luck with my turbo cloner 24, and I'm far (very far) from being super diligent with the sterilization.

What I have been doing is using SouthernAg Garden Friendly Fungicide in the rez and I also spray the clones, the lid, the top of the cloner, etc. That has been my preventative approach and otherwise it runs at the usual house temps and haven't had any real issues.

The TurboKlones alo have a fan moving air in the rez so that may help as well from an oxygenation stance.