I had 15 plants in the room but 5 of them fell and I didn’tsee them till it was too late. So only 10 produced well. The saving grace wasthe 1 lb 11 oz plant that I had up front that I could really nurture the most. Was5 ft tall and abt 4.5 ft wide. Had really tight buds. I focused allot of lighton that one.
I know its hard to believe that indoor will produce that but it will and Ihave. This to date is the largest yielding plant I have ever had so im lookingforward to the next cycle because I have the mother to this one and cut 15clones from her a few days ago.
I am also doing some pyramid seeds called tutankomun, they are supposed to bevery high in THC. Around 25% or better tested in Barcelona. I know that is inideal conditions with like scientist growing them but who knows might be a goodproducer. Also they are a little shorter and will work well in my system.