Cyco Nutrients? answers and questions, how much how often and what? ph? coco grow


ok here we go. This is my first post, sometimes I read these post and just laugh at what I read, I hope that does not happen to me. I will tell you how it do and any input would be great. I am not trying to sound cocky but I often go against what i read and get way better results especially in the cloning and rooting department. I get roots using rockwool in 6 days every time. It would be coo lfor someone else to copy my model if there are any newbies.

Ok first I take a healthy rooted clone in rockwool and plant it into a 1 quart pot using cyco coco. I do not water for about 2 days until the coco is DRY! but before wilt. When it is dry I use sensi grow or ionic grow at about half what it calls for with about 6ml per gallon of cal mag. I use city water and keep my ph at about 6.5ish. The cyco coco has a great ph buffer. I feed almost everytime I water in veg, and i quickly go to full power with the nutes following directions but making sure the ppm does not exceed 3000. and the ph stays at 6.5. it is important to let the coco dry out between watering, the roots will explode with growth looking for water if you do this. After about 14 days the plant is transfered to a 3 gal and then in another 14 days to a 20 gallon pot and yes i said 20 gallon where it will remain for its life. I veg under cfls and LED by the 60 day mark the plants are healthy, huge and ready for bloom. I flush the coco by running about 60 gallons of water thru and then hit them with Cyco A and B, Boost, Intake and then at week 3 i start adding Swell. I nute 5 out of 6 waterings at least, and i let them get pretty dry until later in bloom about week 6 when I stop feeding at that point i keep them a little more moist . I also start adding northern lights at week 3. Cyco is expensive so I dont use the entire line I dont think I need to. I have never used C02 and probably wont. I keep it simple and clean. I bloom under 10, 1000 watt hps and I bloom about 24 plants at once. I yield about 8 ounces per plant with 15 ounces being the best and 4.9 being the least. I have great ventalation and my on temp is about 80 degrees and off time about 60 to 65 degrees. I also flush 2 times during bloom to remove salt build up. Well here is my basic system tell me what you think? and one more thing! I keep a very very close eye on my ph and do a run off test everytime i water looking for build ups and ph problems. I think keeping your ph perfect is far more important than the brand of nutes. please hit me back with any comments i will be glad to post some pics of some HUGE plants that will push the 1 pound mark if anyone wants to see them.
Sounds HUGE! I'm running on cyco range for first time as we speak, but full sequence. The room is only about a metre squared so nothing on what you have, but it seems ok. Think its the sixth week of flower, but only my third grow. I only grow cuttings under fluro's till the rooms almost finished, then give them six days under a sun pulse 400 w then move them into room as I cut the others down,so the room is only ever in flower mode. Get about a pound every two months. I'm hoping cyco delivers cos I'm sick of changing nuts all the time. Would love to see some photos but :-)


Active Member
I've never grown yet, been spending weeks reading and reading, really the only difficult part in practice seems to be ph balance. Don't get me wrong, the nuts is confusing as well with all the different personal styles/methods and results of growing, as a first timer wanting to experiment with only one plant, and having a 200$ budget for nuts/soil/basic materials ect besides lighting, you can imagine how annoying it is trying to cram all this information.

That's quite a lil grow room, more then inspirational yields for a pretty compact space.bongsmilie


I would use Ionic nutes and or Sensi if you have a tight budget it works great I used Ionic for years. You only need the bloom and the pk boost. I have grown under cheap Home Depot
T-8s and they turn out fine and its cheap to run. You just have to keep your plants trimmed up tight so there are minimal bottom buds because the CFL lights do not penetrate the canopy like HIDs. What are your plans for lights and what type of medium?


one more thing Jeorge Cervantez has 2 movies thay are called Ultimate Grow 1 and 2. The first one is great for beginners with a ton of info,,, Kiss Keep it simple


Active Member
oh I'm starting from scratch, so I had to also budget in ppm/ph meters. I wasn't exactly 100% sure on neuts I've read to use coco coir with canna a+b, calmag, small mix of perlite with the coco coir brick..I actually have no clue thats why its pretty much an exprimental lol, I never payed attention in horticulture, or school in general always too high or thinking bout going home n smoking weed. I will learn eventually, it went from ufo to apollo 4 type setting since I really wasn't confortrable with cfls or any other lights in my closet area, will be small 3x3 setup even though this closet is good size and could hold prolly 2+, but after reading around on lightings; wiki pretty much made led lighting sound like a waste of time and effort, I've heard some say you want high output lights instead. After seeing a few grows with cheap 90w (actual draw of 70) ufos, and trying to keep things cheap for just experimenting with one plant, around 100ish, I decided I would go for 135w (actual 90ish) ufo that was used in another grow on grass city forums (not advertising), and also seen another thread on 90w led vs 400w hps, i deicded id go with the 135w for first timer, and can always move up later on as i learn more about producing a healthy plant.

I honestly don't have any reason to choose coir over soil as a medium, I just happend to start somewheres and the nutrients guide and other coco threads on this forum seemed to have enough information to help guide my learning process as im experimenting. I figured that I would have needed the 4 additives like rhizotonic, pk 13/14, ect; the main nuetrients cana a+b, calmag and some perlite mix to the medium, to atleast start learning to feed the plant properly, with adequate ph balance; and whatever other problems arise along the way like specific deficiency in one nutrient or another.. I've never grown once so I've bookmarked your thread along with the other 20-30 related threads lol, I will go check these movies out right now, if they not on youtube im sure they gotta be somewheres on the net. A video would deff help thanks bud, will keep tabs in check, and I have not purchased any materials yet, I was planning on ordering seeds friday so I got a little more time to adjust exactly wat medium, nuets ect I want to use. These vid should help me decide a little easier hopefully.


Active Member
Thanks for the tips, the vid helped alot, decided to go with soil-less mix as recommended via the video for beginners. It answered alot of questions I had in general, I thoroughly enjoyed his local repair man show style haha, was like school video or something. I feel alot more confident in the nutrients, medium area now; the video touched on harvesting and lighting although they given examples were quite irrelevant for my small 1 plant setup, its good to know what light is the best for the buck given off most lumens. The proper circulation was good, I took alot of notes on this part 1 vid. I think this will cut down on the costs alot too, since I was originally going to purchase 30$ coco coir, 40$ canna a/b and other additive solutions, he provided a much easier approach for a beginner like myself, maybe I will try hydroponic type mediums later on after successfully yielding from one plant in organic medium!

I was not really that tight on the budget, considering I could have just cut down on the 100$ of seeds I was on fixed on getting (they all look so tantilizing). This will help, hell maybe grab a couple outlet adapters and 60w cfls to supplement the early stages before using the 135w ufo later on, thanks again dude wish I could have found that vid long ago.

Will I still need calmag if I go with soilless mix, ionic grow, bloom, boost and flora micronutrient? I'm not exactly 100% sure on what the specifics of these nutrient solutions are, or if the calmag was mainly for the coco coir medium.


I am glad the video helped I still use it as a reference, the more you know the more complicated things get and I have to revert to basics sometimes. To answer your question you will not need cal mag unless you grow in coco, and may I suggest (pro mix) for your medium it is cheap and great quality just add 20% perlite. One more thing if you use General Hydropontics products you will need to keep a very close eye on your Ph. I would stick to just the key nutes like grow, bloom, and a boost. The other will change your ph and thats another conversation. I really can't say enough about Ionic, I used it for 12 years and to this day I don't really think there is anything better. I always used grow, bloom, and pk boost, I still have 60 gallons of the stuff. Until you get everything else dialed in where it needs to be the nutes are secondary to everything else. I have actually grown plants thru the veg cycle without ever feeding them to prove it could be done, They yielded the same it just took them longer. Please keep my posted on your grow and if you have questions i can help. I started in a closet with a parking lot light and miracle grow!


Everybody ask me about that radio and yes it is. They like a little classic rock, I accidentally left it on the Jesus station for a couple days and they seem to like that too. the buds really packed it on for that couple

Ok about the radio....This is the best way for me to explain. I raced motorcycles years ago and I would make tiny improvements in my bike and I would say that it put me one blink ahead so if I made enough tiny improvements those "blinks" would add up to a second, then 2 seconds and so on. So the radio is on a timer with the lights and it is one of my "blinks" for growing. Maybe add a gram or two here and there and it takes a lot of little "blinks" to get 448 grams or 1 pound per plant. (that is my goal). I have no idea if it works because I have never done 2 grows exactly the same. I am always trying to make improvements. During the grow I write down 5 to 10 things I want to improve on for the next round.


Active Member
I am glad the video helped I still use it as a reference, the more you know the more complicated things get and I have to revert to basics sometimes. To answer your question you will not need cal mag unless you grow in coco, and may I suggest (pro mix) for your medium it is cheap and great quality just add 20% perlite. One more thing if you use General Hydropontics products you will need to keep a very close eye on your Ph. I would stick to just the key nutes like grow, bloom, and a boost. The other will change your ph and thats another conversation. I really can't say enough about Ionic, I used it for 12 years and to this day I don't really think there is anything better. I always used grow, bloom, and pk boost, I still have 60 gallons of the stuff. Until you get everything else dialed in where it needs to be the nutes are secondary to everything else. I have actually grown plants thru the veg cycle without ever feeding them to prove it could be done, They yielded the same it just took them longer. Please keep my posted on your grow and if you have questions i can help. I started in a closet with a parking lot light and miracle grow!
Yea I agree, I will go ahead and get some promix for this first grow. How much soil and boost is appropriate for one plant? If i go cheap on the sizes, (1 qt bloom, grow, boost) will that be enough for a few plants, also promix wise, would I need to purchase the 30$ package or can I just pick up some cheaper ebay portions of like 4-6 quart bags of promix. I actually purchased northern lights autoflower 8 week seed, nirvana bubblicious autoflower 8 week seed, and 5-6 others, so I wasn't sure on portions as far as one plant goes, I'm fine with restocking by dec on actual decent portion purchases once I'm confident with growing.

I'm not really sure of any technical questions I have yet, although I would ponder is the typical growing guides for photoperiod 8-14 week seeds different from autoflowering 8 week seeds in terms of time-frames ect, but I should be ok; I have many notes and still more video to cover. I won't be completing checkout on seeds until friday (tmrew), I already ordered perlite, bit of rockwool, 100w cfl light, tmrew I will order the seeds, ufo 135w, pro mix, boost, grow, bloom, ph meter. Should have setup ready within a week since everything is quite small light packages from inside usa with exception of the seeds. Can't wait to give her a go! What strains are you growing btw?:weed:

About the lighting in particular, since most of the video was covering more commercial levels of growing with metal hallide and high pressure sodium lights, do you think as far as 1 plant goes; that 100w cfl and 135w ufo will be enough for the first grow as far as experimenting goes? I know the yields won't be near what I would get with a hps setup but I'm assuming given other threads I've seen, in optimal conditions you can grow 2-3 plants under one 135w ufo without having any problems, the thread actually compared a 400w hps with a 135w ufo, and the plant setups looked virtually identical, although I can't say the yields were; heres a pic i hope its not a problem uploading that here considering tis from diff forums I believe.

View attachment 2402672

Given that 400w hps vs 135w led, you think I should spend the 110 on 135w ufo or go with 1,000w hps for what im assuming would be much more lumens, but also quite a bit hotter then a led ufo... There is few concerns I have with hps, one I don't want to drain electricity as its not payed by tenants here, also this is a discreet grow of one plant, not going to build a grow room here just testing my ability to grow one plant now, maybe 2 max at a time in discreet setting; I have the utmost security to keep the room ventilated and clear of odor/high humidity, I am allowed to smoke weed so its not really a problem with a little smell anyway.

I could afford like 2 1,000w to be honest since the ufo is like 110, but I would wait per your advice before deciding, because really the only concern I have for lighting as far as the plant goes is a decent yield even though its only one plant, I'm not planning on dealing or anything just growing my own decent bags for personal use, that being said I don't wanna waste time and effort with led and a cfl if I could get much higher yield with the same price for bulbs, also since your using hps, do you have any input on like electricity spikes or is 1-2 bulbs nothing given I have computers, 3-4 tvs, and numerous other things going all day anyway normally... I know on the video the reference to 1k hps was high standards and praise but he noted it did give off a bit of heat, plants yield 40% more with a light with a reflector and laying horizontal compared to a vertical sitting light, so I'd have to rig up a good but safe place for such wattage of lighting, the closet is normal smaller closet I'd probably be a little nervous with 2,000w of hps lights although I guess if I find a way to keep the closet itsself vented properly I won't have to worry about heat as much as long as they are not near the walls or anything that can become heated above normal temperatures of 70-80ish.

HPS lights can fit right into any normal light socket adapter? I could use them as I was going to use the CFLs if I did decide to go hps instead of led.

I'm sure for 1-2 plants at time 1 1,000 watt light would prob be all I would need, 2 would be excessive.


On the lights, I like the led for small plants but when they are over 18 inches tall the light can't penetrate far enough so I only use them for babys. If I were you i would consider a 600 watt hps for these reasons, 1. its enough for your space 2. awesome lumen output, 3. cooler than a 1000 4. cheaper to run, 5.cheaper to buy. Exhausting the heat from 2 1000s is impossible without hoods and a big inline fan. If you use a 600 hps with a quality vented 6 inch hood with a home depot heat run booster fan you should be able to keep the heat down.

Now the fun part, pot sizes. Rule of thumb is 1 to 2 gallons of dirt for each month the plant is alive but I like to use at least 3 gallons for every month. It all depends how long you let them veg, how you groom them, and how much space you have and the strain. Seeds take forever to get big enough to put in bloom I start with a clone about 6'' tall and have it ready for bloom in 45 to 60 days in a 20 gallon pot. I can help you with this but I need the dementions of the room and I can tell you how big of pots to us,e your estimated veg time and expected yield. After i figure it out I will give you the formula so you can make adjustments in the future. For the 8 week auto flowers I would use 3 gallon mop buckets from the Dollar store just make sure you get plenty of holes in the bottom and last inch of side for drainage. Oh yeah is it possible to get 220v to the closet? The ballast run at 9amps on 110v and 4.5 amps on 220v, (less power) you can even plug them into a dryer socket if you change the end.


Active Member
On the lights, I like the led for small plants but when they are over 18 inches tall the light can't penetrate far enough so I only use them for babys. If I were you i would consider a 600 watt hps for these reasons, 1. its enough for your space 2. awesome lumen output, 3. cooler than a 1000 4. cheaper to run, 5.cheaper to buy. Exhausting the heat from 2 1000s is impossible without hoods and a big inline fan. If you use a 600 hps with a quality vented 6 inch hood with a home depot heat run booster fan you should be able to keep the heat down.

Now the fun part, pot sizes. Rule of thumb is 1 to 2 gallons of dirt for each month the plant is alive but I like to use at least 3 gallons for every month. It all depends how long you let them veg, how you groom them, and how much space you have and the strain. Seeds take forever to get big enough to put in bloom I start with a clone about 6'' tall and have it ready for bloom in 45 to 60 days in a 20 gallon pot. I can help you with this but I need the dementions of the room and I can tell you how big of pots to us,e your estimated veg time and expected yield. After i figure it out I will give you the formula so you can make adjustments in the future. For the 8 week auto flowers I would use 3 gallon mop buckets from the Dollar store just make sure you get plenty of holes in the bottom and last inch of side for drainage. Oh yeah is it possible to get 220v to the closet? The ballast run at 9amps on 110v and 4.5 amps on 220v, (less power) you can even plug them into a dryer socket if you change the end.
Ok I ordered promix soil, grow bloom and boost, ph pen, perlite, few rockwool pieces, 100w cfl, n 135w ufo; after finding out I needed ballast given the budget and already spent I decided to go with the ufo, the cheapest ballast and hps I could afford was 125w, although I'm not too worried, mainly because all the seeds I ordered are auto flowering feminized seeds, and generally smaller compact plants, I will do my best to supplement the sides in rotation with cfl 100ws though, just incase the ufo isn't hitting the under growth as effectively as it could. Given its in my bedroom and discreet grow I can't opt for hps and cooling setup here, atleast not with this budget at the moment.

I don't have any huge expectations, I just want to learn how to grow efficiently, I can always worry about stepping up lighting n such as the situation permitts. I'm pretty excited to get started, I don't expect no crazy yields with the setup I have but I think its plenty for just personal hobby, and supplement having to buy weed, would be nice to keep a good plant in rotation. The seeds are cheap enough, the equip is pretty cheap n such, it wouldn't be hard for it to pay for itsself in less money spent on weed. bongsmilie

It was 8 week bubblicious auto, and 8 week northern lights blue auto. Won't have any photoperiod seeds.


For the auto flower I would use 3 gal containers and put as many as you can under the light. They stay small and don't yield much so you will need a few of them to make it worth the money you have spent. Please keep me posted!


Active Member
For the auto flower I would use 3 gal containers and put as many as you can under the light. They stay small and don't yield much so you will need a few of them to make it worth the money you have spent. Please keep me posted!
Yeah I have 3 bubblicious, and one northern lights blue in mail as well as rest of orders, should have grow started before thanksgiving. :leaf:

btw the amount invested in equip ect was only 200$ o.0, are you saying I won't pull 20g with a 135w ufo(actual draw of 80ish?) n 100w cfl (think actual draw is 24) ?

I don't think I'll put 2 at once, just one seed to see how things go for first grow, I'm not to worried about pulling profit as much as having some different weed to smoke! I've only smoked like generic greenbud/commercial stuff, nothing really exotic so this will be a nice treat, and for 200$ and the 4 auto seeds, I can't really go wrong unless I guess somehow grew under 5g per plant? lol =p I don't plans on selling anyhow, just enjoyment here but I do appreciate all the guidance I can get, and will stay optimistic as possible given the circumstances! :) Once everything arrives I can probably make a thread for the progress of the first grow with 135w ufo and 100w cfl, make sure I get plenty of pics and such, I do enjoy going through threads of others grows and watching the progress of the plants day by day, week by week.

I've seen a bit of yields from the same type of lighting so that doesn't have me concerned for the 200$ and 4 seeds, thankfully christmas is right around the cornor, ^_^. Oh I got a few requests this year in mind, and if I can go hps by xmas after this first few grows, I will definitely do so, just managing cooling and such without any holes, electricity modifications/spikes in use would be main issues, I don't own houses but rather live in my room with very relax parents so growing one plant is not a big issue to me, and I won't be selling or distributing my stuff to anyone, just smoking with a few good friends and such. I've invested 200$ in alot worse but I won't go into too much details here to save me the humiliation haha :wink:

On a side note my ufo 7 band 135w light that I purchased from ebay listing was a fraud seller, so my money is tied up until december 9th before I can file claim and then I have to wait 7 days, pretty sad. Anyway I will have to take a loss on that for now and just resort to a normal priced one obviously, call me stupid but I purchased 135w 7 band at 30$ free shipping from amsterdam, I have under 10 purchases on ebay, so I can't really talk too much negative about my experience so far, but its annoying. I will have to settle with 150w for 110$ and deal with the loss as I really anticipate starting the grow on thanksgiving day.

Also sry for like hi-jacking thread kinda went off topic.