Cytokinins (6-BAP) & Auxins (IAA)

if you can stop the synthesis of GA then it will not stretch at all. that is how dwarf plants are made. they don't have the ability to synthesis GA. I found a chart that compares the amounts of IAA to cytokinens. i just started a thread about auxin and its relation to apical dominance and the auxin that is produced by the axillary meristems

IAA cytokinens.jpg
Hi, what will the bap concentrated solution looks like?i am trying to make a concentrated solution of bap for long term use. I am mixing it with hot isopropyl alcohol and further dilute with end result is shiny
powdery solution. Is anyone else having the same result or i shouldnt be seeing any powdery stuff in my solution??

I am having the same end result with iaa too. Can anyone pls enlighten me?
I am not sure.
I think adding more solvent before adding the water would do it.
Let me check my notes for something.
be back soon.
It is best to keep the solution between 110 and 150 F.
After dissolving add it to the water, do not add the water to it.
I can not find how much BAP will dissolve into ISO.....Sorry.
You may want to check that.
It is best to keep the solution between 110 and 150 F.
After dissolving add it to the water, do not add the water to it.
I can not find how much BAP will dissolve into ISO.....Sorry.
You may want to check that.
Ive tried adding more iso , the solution became clear but when it started to cool off it started to crystallize at the bottom!! What should i do??
If you have more powder you may have to start again from scratch.
Don't go over temperature.
I hope you don't have a inferior powder, where did you get your BAP?
I get mine on ebay.
custom nutrients HERE
They seem to be the cheapest I have found.
I never have a problem with quality, if that is your issue.
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How do we know if its inferior powder?? What does your bap powder look like?? Does it have a specific smell?? I bought for usd58 per kg.

Just now i mentioned that my iaa solution was powdery too. I added more iso and the solution became clear :) is the colour supposed to be brown or clear white??
Awesome thread!

I have always been of the mind set that auxins and cytokinins are plant hormones with two distinct actions and shouldn't be used untop of each other at the same time, rather used together at the right times.

I like to use a 'root stimulator' in early veg to encourage root growth, then spray a kelp product(floralicious+ has been my favortie for this) to encourage lateral growth/more bud sites. The floralicious+ foliar is something I just got into a few months ago, but all my plants absolutely LOVE it. After a good spraying with kelp extract my plants explode! So much so that I only use it once a week or every other week.

I've made it too strong before, which results in curling and sometimes burnt leaves, but I got it down now. 1tsp/floralicious plus per liter of RO water.
How do we know if its inferior powder?? What does your bap powder look like?? Does it have a specific smell?? I bought for usd58 per kg.

Just now i mentioned that my iaa solution was powdery too. I added more iso and the solution became clear :) is the colour supposed to be brown or clear white??
If you hold it up to the light it should be transparent, maybe not clear depending on the powder.
sounds like your IAA may be OK.
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