d.c. beard's Hash Berry and Super Skunk F1 Grow 400w In Soil w/ PICS


Active Member
Here's a couple of pics from today. Nothing special going on, just watering tonight. Giving them Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom, Open Sesame, Superthrive, and some Ph Up. They're about 20" tall on average I'd say and just looking really good.

The first is a shot from below the SS canopy, second is a pic of a nice SS, third is few HB plants, and last is one of all 9.
Simple newb observation/question:

You hit your plants w/ tiger etc, now your plants have a yellow tint on the inner portions of the leaves. Is that the nutes hitting or was that the lack of water you mentioned starting to show?

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Simple newb observation/question:

You hit your plants w/ tiger etc, now your plants have a yellow tint on the inner portions of the leaves. Is that the nutes hitting or was that the lack of water you mentioned starting to show?
Whaaaaa?? How long ago was that post that you quoted? lol Jesus.

If my leaves were yellowing it's because they were 'fading out' from me withholding nutes so that the buds would smoke much smoother. Nobody likes harsh ass chemical nute taste in their bud.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Hey guys, sorry for being lazy and not posting here lately. I've just been waiting for the buds to cure up a bit so I can weigh it all up for a final tally. Tomorrow will be a solid week of curing in the jars with periodical 'burpings', so I should have a pretty darn accurate weight when it's all said and done.

Here's the pics I took at harvest, which I'm sorry to say don't show the Super Skunks, but I had a lot of great pics of the SS's before harvest so you all know how banging those were anyway. So here are some killer harvest pics of the HashBerry plants!

I'll post a total weight here in about a day or less. I might weight everything up tonight. Unless I'm lazy. In which case I'll post it tomorrow! Hehehehe



Well-Known Member
Well done my friend, one of the best ive seen with a 400 and you had how many under the 400, 8 or 9 ? man that bud looks fantastic, this grow will hold you for a while..My girls are on day 24 flowering now stop by and tell me what you think...Peace


Active Member
Hey guys, sorry for being lazy and not posting here lately. I've just been waiting for the buds to cure up a bit so I can weigh it all up for a final tally. Tomorrow will be a solid week of curing in the jars with periodical 'burpings', so I should have a pretty darn accurate weight when it's all said and done.

Here's the pics I took at harvest, which I'm sorry to say don't show the Super Skunks, but I had a lot of great pics of the SS's before harvest so you all know how banging those were anyway. So here are some killer harvest pics of the HashBerry plants!

I'll post a total weight here in about a day or less. I might weight everything up tonight. Unless I'm lazy. In which case I'll post it tomorrow! Hehehehe

yeah man looks dank !!!!!


Well-Known Member
what a great harvest, congrats bro. how long do you dry. in that pic, can you hng dry the entire plant like that, or do you need to break it up? do you use brown paper bags after the drying, before the curing? thanks for the help bro!

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Alright guys I finally got my stuff together and weighed everything now that it's all dried and partially cured, and I took a few pics too!

So first, here are the weights which I simply broke down by jar. I always jar up the smaller stuff that will go out to the masses in separate jars by strain, then I jar up the bigger top colas which I will be keeping hehehe separately by strain, and then of course the trim gets all jarred up by strain as well. I went with 2 jars for the SS, because I had almost filled one completely up before I was done jarring it all so I went with 2 jars to spread it out and help it to cure more evenly. 4.2 grams is how much the styrofoam plate that I used weighed, and I cropped-out at 268.1 grams or 9.58 ounces total from 9 plants. That's a GPW of 0.67. Slowly getting better. I think it's kinda hard to pull 1 gram per watt with only a 400w light, but that's the ultimate goal.

So I wrote all the weights down by jar as I weighed them, and in an uber-lazy move here I think I'll just keep it visual and let the tally sheet do the talking.

I really think that the two plants being in really small pots held me back a bit, and next time I'm using all slightly larger pots which are 1.5 gallon I believe. If those 2 had been in at least the next size up pot like the rest of them were, I'm sure I would have pulled 10 ounces easy. It was obvious that those 2 plants did not have the mass that the others did. Next time should be much better. The bulb did help quite a bit, I got 1 ounce more than last time around and I vegged the plants for 2-4 weeks less this time so that says a lot. Less veg time and a foot shorter in height, plus 2 being in super small pots, and I still came out with 1 ounce more than last time with the same amount of plants.

Below are the pics of the jars (no trim of course, just buds!). Pictured is one quarter less than the total yield of 9.58 ounces dry, as someone needed that quarter so away it went.


d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
And here's a sneak peek at the next in line for the flower tent (well, after the next crop of clones that is)!

The tray with 12 sprouts in it is one of the crosses I made out of the last run. It's [Island Sweet Skunk] x [HashBerry] or this [(Kush x Lionheart) x (WR x NL)] male that I had in there at the same time. I won't really know until I flower them as to what the male half of the cross ended up being. Either way I should find a special girl out of them no prob. Talk about vigorous growth! 12 for 12 and all looking beautiful so far. This one is going to be interesting since it's solely my creation.

The other tray with 5 sprouts with leaves and 3 or so without yet is [AK47 x AK47], which I hope to find a special male in and make some new crosses with it.

The new crosses I plan on making this time around are going to be:

[Super Skunk x AK47],
[HashBerry x AK47],
[ISS cross x AK47].

Also a couple of pics of the veg tent (sprouts on left, moms on right), and the SS and HB moms I still have after thinning them out hardcore and chopping them down to height a bit. They were turning into monsters!

That's it for this thread, feel free to post comments and PM me with any questions. Look for my new journal in my sig. Thanks for following along!




Well-Known Member
sup man! nugs are looking unbelievable! how long did you dry before weighing? im gettin real close to harvest myself! your upcoming project looks interesting...subscribed. +rep man i need to read through the rest of this journal and learn some stuff. your nugs really packed on some mass. if you have time recap on this grow please do....veg time/flower time...light cycles. feeding regimen and nutes..? i noticed foxfarm and hygrozyme. do i need to add this to my line of nutes?


Well-Known Member
care to explain how you are going to choose best male and female for upcoming breeds? what you are looking for in this new hybrid of yours. callin it anything? or just hybrid tag?

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
sup man! nugs are looking unbelievable! how long did you dry before weighing? im gettin real close to harvest myself! your upcoming project looks interesting...subscribed. +rep man i need to read through the rest of this journal and learn some stuff. your nugs really packed on some mass. if you have time recap on this grow please do....veg time/flower time...light cycles. feeding regimen and nutes..? i noticed foxfarm and hygrozyme. do i need to add this to my line of nutes?
Thanks buddy, I'll do a recap here soon just for you Aev!

care to explain how you are going to choose best male and female for upcoming breeds? what you are looking for in this new hybrid of yours. callin it anything? or just hybrid tag?
Well check out the new thread as soon as I get it up and I'll put all of this in the beginning, promise.


Well-Known Member
I just read through whole grow journal...recap would still be nice to see it all at once. come check out the pic updates on mine. will you explain to me how you keep desired nug phenos?

I think this time I'm going to make some butter. Usually I use my trim to roll joints out of, because it's practically as tric'd out as the buds and that puts it to use so I don't waste it. I usually twist a couple of joints before going over to a friend's house, and when I smoke it with them they think it's bud inside there. Gets everybody high and saves my bud for me back home. People usually are shocked that I'm willing to pass around joints so freely to peeps I don't even know at a party and stuff, but it's just the trash really so it's not like I care. But they don't know that.

I guess this is day 46 of flower for me. Im comparing your nugs (day 48) to mine. You have alot more weight packed on. My soil plant is doing far better than the coco plants. I think proper ventilation is my next step. Do you think this has a big part in nug size? Mine are in my closet in my room. I open one door throughout on time of 12/12. Only means of ventilation are two fans blowing across canopy. Could be related to strain also. How much N you giving around this time? I only started lowering N last week. Just fed with fish emulsion and flower nutes. fish emulsion is 5-1-1.

Jack the ripper has cinderella 99 in her also. Ive also noticed you got some NL in there. Both jtr and ssh have nl roots. The only genetics ive seen for bubba kush is bubble gum x kush. I also see white rhino in here...not sure if federations genetics is in jtr tho. Could be the one shown last..og kush x afghani..Got some common genetics my friend. What are some characteristics of white rhino and cinderella 99?

Jack The Ripper (Subcool) Jacks Cleaner P1 X Space Queen

Space Queen F2 (Subcool) Romulan X Cinderella 99

Romulan (Federation) California X [White Whino X White Rhino]

Romulan = OG Kush x Afghani

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Hmmmm, interesting. I didn't know the lineage on the Rom like that. Cool.

Well, basically what you want to do is grow out your beans until you find some girls that look really good. Take multiple clones from each (like at least 10 cuts) before flowering, and keep these going throughout. Then at the end, when you harvest, you'll know which one is the best of all of em and that's the one you keep. Flower out whatever you have left to get a good big crop quick, and then from that point on just continue the best pheno that you selected for yield and potency. Then, you continue pollinating this best pheno with your best male each time, looking for an even better pheno than what you had previously.

You can either use a badass male from a different strain each time, which would just give you completely different crosses each time, but you could definitely find a killer pheno this way.

Or you can cross the badass female you've kept going with a badass male that you found in the offspring of the beans you made from her. (OK, this makes sense to me at least...lol) Keep doing this for several generations and this is called backcrossing. This is how you make inbred strains or IBLs. This is how you can make seeds that 'breed true' everytime for certain traits.


Well-Known Member
You are explaining exactly what i had in mind of doing with these beans. Perhaps you have told me this before? Lol
Here is a strain lineage i use when buying or talking about strains. Some are missing like granddaddy purple or grapeape. maybe these are just cali strains not sure.


what is your take on ventilation and N in flower? these are two things i think i need to work on.

lol i got the must spread rep to others message too.


that should mean just as much right?


Well-Known Member
Alright guys I finally got my stuff together and weighed everything now that it's all dried and partially cured, and I took a few pics too!

So first, here are the weights which I simply broke down by jar. I always jar up the smaller stuff that will go out to the masses in separate jars by strain, then I jar up the bigger top colas which I will be keeping hehehe separately by strain, and then of course the trim gets all jarred up by strain as well. I went with 2 jars for the SS, because I had almost filled one completely up before I was done jarring it all so I went with 2 jars to spread it out and help it to cure more evenly. 4.2 grams is how much the styrofoam plate that I used weighed, and I cropped-out at 268.1 grams or 9.58 ounces total from 9 plants. That's a GPW of 0.67. Slowly getting better. I think it's kinda hard to pull 1 gram per watt with only a 400w light, but that's the ultimate goal.

So I wrote all the weights down by jar as I weighed them, and in an uber-lazy move here I think I'll just keep it visual and let the tally sheet do the talking.

I really think that the two plants being in really small pots held me back a bit, and next time I'm using all slightly larger pots which are 1.5 gallon I believe. If those 2 had been in at least the next size up pot like the rest of them were, I'm sure I would have pulled 10 ounces easy. It was obvious that those 2 plants did not have the mass that the others did. Next time should be much better. The bulb did help quite a bit, I got 1 ounce more than last time around and I vegged the plants for 2-4 weeks less this time so that says a lot. Less veg time and a foot shorter in height, plus 2 being in super small pots, and I still came out with 1 ounce more than last time with the same amount of plants.

Below are the pics of the jars (no trim of course, just buds!). Pictured is one quarter less than the total yield of 9.58 ounces dry, as someone needed that quarter so away it went.
just great bro!, congrats. my ladies are doing great, it looks like its gonna be at least 8 oz just from four plants, here's hoping. thanks for all of the help, good luck in your next round. how long do you dry, what's your method. how long do you cure. what's the total time? i need your expert advice.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
You are explaining exactly what i had in mind of doing with these beans. Perhaps you have told me this before? Lol
Here is a strain lineage i use when buying or talking about strains. Some are missing like granddaddy purple or grapeape. maybe these are just cali strains not sure.


what is your take on ventilation and N in flower? these are two things i think i need to work on.

lol i got the must spread rep to others message too.


that should mean just as much right?
Hehehe, yeah that works for me. :mrgreen:

Well I try to have killer ventilation all the time since I don't use CO2. This way I've yet to have pest/mold problems. Boy it scares me to say stuff like that...where's the wood to knock on....

As far as N in flower, I wouldn't give any more N than what's already in the bloom nutes past about day 3 of flower. Sounds weird, but they just don't need N during flower really. I do give the plants a blast of N about halfway through flower when they start to pale out a lot. That'll green em back up for the last several weeks of flower, and then it'll also fade back out again by the time you harvest after all the flushing that you'll be doing during the last 2 weeks.

just great bro!, congrats. my ladies are doing great, it looks like its gonna be at least 8 oz just from four plants, here's hoping. thanks for all of the help, good luck in your next round. how long do you dry, what's your method. how long do you cure. what's the total time? i need your expert advice.
Thanks, I've been keeping up on your grow too. Your's is going great this time too!

To dry I just trim the plants up one branch at a time, hang the closely-trimmed fresh buds upside-down in the dark until the stems snap when bent, and hang the buds in a room that has average humidity and a temp of 65 degrees is optimal.

Once the stems snap when bent (usually takes about 5-8 days depending on how big and dense the buds are), I carefully take each branch one at a time and snip each top cola off the stem and then continue to snip all the smaller buds off of the branch as well. I want to keep buds, not stems! Put all the buds you took off of the stems into big gallon jars that you can find at Wal-Mart in the canning section (this is what's in my pics above). Screw the lids on tight, and then just wait. For like several weeks. Open the jars and let them sit open for about 20-30 mins each day for the first 4-5 days, this will burp out the remaining moisture. After doing this for 4-5 days, I just screw the lids on tight and leave em. If the buds dry out too much you can always put a couple of fresh leaves in the jar, and after screwing on the lid tight, a day later the buds will be just right. You can always add moisture back in, but you can't take moisture back out of molded bud.

The best time to smoke your bud is when it's between 1 and 3 months cured. The THC is still supreme, and the taste will be smooth from the cure. After being in jars for 3 months the buds will start to get a yellow tint to them and the high will slowly change to a real stony couchlock type of high, as the THC degrades into lesser forms such as CBD, CBN, etc. The buds will still taste great and get you high, but over time the high type changes and they lose a bit of potency. But I've smoked buds 7 months later like this and they're still great. Most peeps wouldn't even notice it probably.