D.I.Y. Box Fan Carbon Filter


Well-Known Member
Pretty simple, but messy (potentially VERY MESSY). Cabon dust goes through these cheap filters.

2 filters / 1/2 gallon of carbon / 2 more filters, duct tape.

Approximate Cost: $16
4 filters, $3, Wal Mart
carbon, 1/2 gal, $12 Pet Smart
duct tape, $1, Wal Mart
fan, already there. just added filter.

Assemble this outside unless you want carbon everywhere.

I put it together last night and smell is gone this morning. The room was warm last night but cool this morning, but we'll see how it does in the long run.

If you have the money, you should go for a retail filter. I didn't so I made this.

BTW, 1/2 gal of carbon was barely enough to cover the entire surface (well, almost cover).

Filter MUST remain horizontal or carbon WILL slide to the bottom... I'm using a fan that tilts horizontally.

I could feel a good breeze coming up through the filter when the fan was on high.

It's a big room 16x16x8, but only 4x8x8 sections is being used for the bloom room.
5 trays, 6 plants each.

Hopefully the pictures help.



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not really.. how is it hooked up and where is it located in the grow area etc? You cant just have it sitting in the grow room and it be effective can you? I thought the exhaust from the room needs to pass through the filter.

I taped it to the top of that round fan and sitting on the floor at the end of the table, pointing up toward my lights and was being used to move the air in the bloom room anyways, I have other fans providing 'wind' for the plants.

As for your question, "You cant just have it sitting in the grow room and it be effective can you", I believe as long as air is being circulated through the filter that it will 'help' reduce the odors in that room. I think you are saying that if I wanted to make sure that no smell got out of the room, that I should mount it on an exhaust fan... Yes. if I had the money to do that I would have (Please send funds for me to upgrade).

I do not have a good ventalation system setup yet. I just started opening a window in the room and wanted to make sure the room smelled fresher before I did too much of that even if it's an upstairs bedroom.

its a good idea and I may incorporate the filter+carbon idea into my vent system when I get it up and running. As of right now I have 4 120mm PC fans for intake on the mid/bottom and 1 200mm fan plus 2 120mm fans on the ceiling of my homeade box for exhaust..that filter+carbon set up looks like a good idea and may work well for my set up.. Im just starting and nothing is in the box yet ( no plants ) so I still have a while before I need it.Let me know how it goes.

It's doing ok for right now (less than 24 hours).

I'm sure I will notice the difference when it starts to fail.

I'm hoping to make it through the winter with this setup.

February? March? Next week?

GDMF! I expected it to last more than 2 days!

The room seems smelly and humid, and there is no breeze coming through the filter.

I haven't tried any repairs yet, I think I wasted $16.