Love yourself. Meth is a train that only leads to ruin. There are no tracks laid to anywhere else.
If you use this chemical for fun, the good times will end quickly.
If you have mental or brain chemistry issues and use this chemical to feel better inside, you're only going to make it worse. You need to seek other treatment. If you limit intake to very low levels you can mitigate the inevitable negative effects for longer. Not forever.
Everyone follows their own path, but read the signs along the way. You're not the first person to be here. Good luck. I love you.
But, sometimes life is a complete bitch. Everyday, all day, until you die. And if your life is that bad, quit. We all die one day. Why choose suffering?
There are 2 sides to every coin, and then there is the edge. Not on either side, but containing both of them.