Thats good news! I read you had asked about it. Just out of curiousity, what kind of interactions do you have with them discussing it? ... I am just wondering, do they ask you why you're using so much power? Just curious for that story...
Thanks bro.
Just call ur local provider and say... hey, look i'm paying xx.xx per kwH and two other people that i talked to are paying yy.yy or less per kwH. So if i look around are you going to be able to match a lower rate when i find one? "Uh, no sir, we can't do that, but we can give you the lowest rate that we are offering right now... which is zz.zz (even less than your friends are paying !!)." They aren't going to call you and tell you ur being ripped off and that they would be happy to take 35 percent less per killowat hour. You have to call them after finding someone else that is paying less... so ask around. It's like moving your credit card bills to a cheaper interest rate (or threatening to do so).
I used less than 4000 kwH last month... that makes me feel that i am still pretty 'safe'. i have heard about cooperative efforts between the police dept. and electrical companies whereby they choose some arbitrary usage amount, like 4000 kwH per month, and print out a list of people that use more than that as possible suspects. Something to consider, i guess.
(EDIT: and like OldFrog said, it isn't hard to have a high electric bill. one of the first things i did when i moved into the current location is insulate the hell out of the place. windows, water heater, extra attic insulation, skirting (5 bedroom mobile home), tops and bottom of doorways that lead to mostly unused rooms. almost all electric panel switches stay off. the lights are almost all air cooled. the ballasts are located remotely under the house. etc.)