Damaged leaf removal

So my ladies are starting to have cut leaves? It may be a pest and I'm gonna get sticky traps and neem oil but until then should I remove some of the more damaged leaves?


Well-Known Member
I don't think it matters too much unless you're talking about a significant percentage of the plants leaves. Even a partial leaf will produce energy for the plant but the plant will also produce new leaves. I have to defoliate from time to lime for air flow and light penetration purposes and the plant leafs out pretty quick after. I tend to remove damage leaves because i don't like looking at them and it's easier to see if the problem has been resolved if you remove affected leaves but that's just me. I grow on a small scale so it's a pretty quick task for me. It's more important that you figure out what caused the damage in the first place.


Well-Known Member
I don't have a lot of experience with pests, are they indoor or outdoor plans? Do you see anything on the underside of the leaf? As peterstoke said slugs were the closest example i could find but i would assume they are unlikely indoors. Do you handle your plants alot? Might be mechanical damage from handling. Looks more like bends and tears than bites to me.
This is possible I move them everyday to avoid bending. My roommate says there's Beatles in the area that could be responsible, slugs are bastard s but I feel like I would've seen them


Well-Known Member
I think slugs are nocturnal so if your plants are outdoors you might not see them. I don't know where your located but Japanese beetles wreak havoc on my hops, they seem to eat everything between the veins on the leaves.
Their Still indoor s right now and I admit it's a pretty lacking setup so pests would have a better chance to get at them especially during the 6 off