
Well-Known Member
yea i been lookin up on here how to get reild of them there gettin bad flyin around my room.... i went tohome depot n got some powder called Sevin-5 by Gardentech. DONT BUy it.. DOES NOT WORK... AND DONT GET GARDEN SAFE by SHultz that too me actually made the bugs worse... it says it suspose to kill all stages of insects, including EGGS NAHHH SHIT DOES NOT WORK.. anyone know somethin worth gettin that willl get reild of them?


Well-Known Member
Sticky fly traps for the adult flies, plus a layer of sharp sand (builder's sand) on the top of your soil to kill the larvae.

If you only have a couple of plants, you can allow the soil to dry out completely for a few days, to deny the gnats their food source. They will die long before your plant does.


Well-Known Member
oh yea and i dont goo CRAZY on my watering jus to let u know..i been seein and hearing..that too much watering makes them come..i dontknow if its true but yea.. i dont do it..