Damn cat!


My cat got into my little grow closet and chewed on some of my leaves and some how pulled my girl scout cookie seedling partially out of the soil and cut the root halfway through. The root is still in tact so I propped it upright and put more soil around it. Do you guys think my girl Scout cookie plant will make it?


Well-Known Member
it should be fine… just be very gentle with her. make sure she's getting light but not too intense of light.

I once took a male out of my garden (was pheno hunting) and put it in my bathroom for a couple hours while I left, came home to a bare stick, damn dog had ate all the leaves. Only time she's done it


Well-Known Member
My cats love the leaves too, I think it'll make it, growth may be stunted but ive seen some seedlings pull through from some pretty traumatic events.