Damn flies!

Thank you to everyone who commented on this thread. After doing some research i decided to go with gnatrol wdg. So from what ive read you just mix with water then drench the soil. But when they say "drench" do they mean till water runs out the bottom holes? Also, do you need to set the ph to a certain place or just stick with my normal 6.5?
Springtails live in soil do they not? Mine were definitely thrips and all over the leaves mid-flower so I spent an hour/day sitting on a pail hunting them by hand to keep the numbers down as I didn't want to spray anything. 27 f'n plants too! lol Still got a good harvest. :)

I have all plants in pans so just pour the water in the pan and let it wick up. A lot slower buy can keep the top 3 or 4" of the surface dry. A half inch of diatomaceous earth, (spell check gave me semiautomatic as the only replacement word lol), on top helps too.

The little buggers will get in thru the drain holes too so that's a problem. Some sort of fine mesh like panty hose or something could prevent them getting in but let the water pass.

I've had springtails in hydroton before. Thats how I knew was it jumped off and hit my eyelid when I was scoping lol
Thank you to everyone who commented on this thread. After doing some research i decided to go with gnatrol wdg. So from what ive read you just mix with water then drench the soil. But when they say "drench" do they mean till water runs out the bottom holes? Also, do you need to set the ph to a certain place or just stick with my normal 6.5?
yup, water til runoff occours and your normal 6.5 is perfect for pH.
I found some Gnatrol WDG on ebay. It seems like somebody bought a big lot of the stuff and broke it down into smaller packages for re sale. Anybody ever have issues buying Gnatrol this way? The only other option i found was to buy a 16 pound container for around $475. I got a half pound for $32.07
There are lots of control products, many containing neem oil or peroxide. Renfro is pretty on point I would not go against his advice on many things.

Yellow sticky traps are surprisingly effective at control of adults fliers. You need a drench every few days to disrupt their cycle and kill off the majority.
I first tried captain jacks dead bug brew, it works well for thrips and mites. Not so great on fungus gnats though. Captain jacks also kills aphids but those little buggers are still there so that should rule out aphids. Gnatrol should be here soon, ill update when positive results have been acheived.
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My Gnatrol came in today, pretty fast shipping for eBay. It came with very vague directions so I did a Google search and got two different answers to one question. Should I give Gnatrol to the plants with dry soil or saturated soil? I'll go with 6.5 for the pH. What has worked best for those of you who have used it? Better to ask before doing something stupid.