Damn Grasshoppers.

I been getting these bastards too! Big bastards too chopping on my leaves! When I see them praying on my plants I sneak up behind them with my trimming scissors and usually decapitate and execute them right on the spot! :twisted:
Anyway I plan to spray neem oil tonight to keep them off them for a while!
So woke up today to find one of my future top colas was mangled by a grasshopper!!! The skunk #1 is in about week 2 in flowering. I taped the stem together as best I could! Will it grow back in since its in flowering. If the tape doesnt work and I have to remove it will it regrow that part?


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Wasps will help. These creatures love bugs. I found a nest built in a bird feeder a few weeks ago and that evening, I moved the feeder to my herb garden. I never have any problems with those little creatures since I know where they are and don't mess with them. I see them hunting and really cool to watch. My bug population is for all purposes nil.
These grasshoppers are nearly the size of my palms! Idk if any wasp could take these fuckers down, unless it’s an army.
Appreciate all of the advice! I’ll try these. And the screen is pretty genius
Put a bird feeder up close to your plants. 15'-20' away. About 5' high. Fill it with song bird seed mix. The birds will make short work of most insects. Add a bird bath for added effect. Change water bi weekly. We have large green locusts here. Only find one occasion since feeders went up 3 years ago.