Anyone have some organic grasshopper repellant ideas? I’m around 3rd week of flower. Diluted Dawn dish soap, cayenne? 

Good idea! I plan to use bug screen on the bottom openings of the greenhouse when In cover it with it with plastic!
Thanks, I’ll try it!lemon peel. Or get a couple solo cups and put moth balls in them. Sticky traps work good too.
Put a bird feeder up close to your plants. 15'-20' away. About 5' high. Fill it with song bird seed mix. The birds will make short work of most insects. Add a bird bath for added effect. Change water bi weekly. We have large green locusts here. Only find one occasion since feeders went up 3 years ago.These grasshoppers are nearly the size of my palms! Idk if any wasp could take these fuckers down, unless it’s an army.
Appreciate all of the advice! I’ll try these. And the screen is pretty genius