Damn IL cops took my shit n gae me a felony...

Yeah, if you're black, you're fucked. The cops don't mess around with peoples of color. Just look at how many are in jails and prisons compared to the number of whites. And it's disproportionate given that there are far, far more white Americans than people of color.

I know so many black people who got busted (first offense) with small, small amounts and had to do jail time. I'm white and have been popped twice. Once I got probation for an ounce, and the other time I got a half ounce dismissed.
Yes it's very crazy. Especially on a first offense when I was 18. I was just a stoner kid that they were trying to make a hardcore criminal by locking up in prison I guess. I actually served every bit of the five years on probation + 2 extra weeks because the day I was supposed to get off was right before Christmas break so they made me wait until after Christmas break. Never failed a drug test. Paid all my fines within the first month. And took my drug classes. All of this within the first year but they kept me on it for 5 fucking years. Once a month supervized. For the last 8 months they gave me a little break to where I came in every two months instead of every month. Definitely got some twisted laws out here

Yeah man its fucking crazy. I'm in my 30's when I was 19 I did the right thing and decided to walk home from a party 4th of july. Cop pulled up behind me and being drunk and high I panicked threw the bag on the side of the road. He fucking found it at like 2am in the bushes haha. Got arrested for weed, poss. of alcohol underage(state I was in considers being drunk "internal possession"), and littering. Police report says street value of a whopping $3. What kind of an asshole decides to potentially ruin someones life with a drug charge at 19 over three fucking dollars of weed. I got sentenced with a year in prison suspended for two years probation/good behavior. A year in fucking prison for a bowl pack!!! Even the damn prosecutor was willing to drop the alcohol charge but just had to keep the drug one to make her numbers or whatever look better.
Yeah man its fucking crazy. I'm in my 30's when I was 19 I did the right thing and decided to walk home from a party 4th of july. Cop pulled up behind me and being drunk and high I panicked threw the bag on the side of the road. He fucking found it at like 2am in the bushes haha. Got arrested for weed, poss. of alcohol underage(state I was in considers being drunk "internal possession"), and littering. Police report says street value of a whopping $3. What kind of an asshole decides to potentially ruin someones life with a drug charge at 19 over three fucking dollars of weed. I got sentenced with a year in prison suspended for two years probation/good behavior. A year in fucking prison for a bowl pack!!! Even the damn prosecutor was willing to drop the alcohol charge but just had to keep the drug one to make her numbers or whatever look better.
That is very very wrong, sorry you had to go through that and hopefully laws where you live have changed since then? if not hopefully soon.