Damn Im Dumb!


Well-Known Member
luckily i have alot of seeds. i planted 15 plants randomly in a pot of llama dung that was still to fresh which i think is why it took them so long to sprout and half are indacas and half were sativa.the indacas sprouted later than the sativas and havent grown since they are just tiny purple sprouts.the sativas got a couple inches tall first and were on their third set of leaves when i started ferting them and i didnt know not to spray to often and i think i fried my plants cause the sativas are all having leaf rot and wilting.but the indacas havent changed at all.is there a chance that they will live and wont be to stressed or should i just wait for my second batch?:cry: feeding them that young was dumb as hell i know now,and i have redwood potting soil instead of that shit.


Well-Known Member
Don't use fresh manure. Fresh stuff will burn the plants. Don't add ferts for the first month.


Well-Known Member
Do you have more seeds or clones? That is much easier. Regeneration is a last ditch effort.


Well-Known Member
i have a ton of seeds,about four of the plants have been transplanted and are healthy and growing again,and i would have had more but the damn racoons keep uprooting them and digging through all my good soil,so everytime i notice a few more to take out of my germination bucket and put them in soil i have to fucking find them and replant them.hows the easiest way to make them leave????there is no food whatso ever or anything that even smeels like food near my plants.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor

I have heard that you can piss near and around your plants and that the odor of the URINE will keep critters away.. I have not tried this technique..


Well-Known Member
i have been trying to use odor as a weapon just never thought about piss.i used this really stinky orchid grow and made a circle of it around everything,but that deffinately didnt work cause that night they did more damage than ever.i admit im a fucking nube and didnt think it would be this anoying....and ive heartd that you cannot switch an outdoor grow to an indo? whynot?


Well-Known Member
what works well on deer is bear scents and a 12ga;) don't use the bear scents if you living in bear country, they eat weed too;) on that only big slugs work:twisted:


Well-Known Member
if only i could own one...or two....maybe ten!!!i love fucking shooting things,but i cant be too loud.trust me ive waited and baited for the fuckers and made one blind i think but damn they just dont care.that was with a co2bb gun.speaking of if i dont load the gun and spray some mist of co2 out of the gun would that help my plants at all?i dont know much about the co2 feeding.


Well-Known Member
finally i can learn in fucking peace!!! they havent touched my plants for a week, i started feeding them alitle as thanx.before your advice i lost soooo many damn sproutlings now i have 47 plants getting about 7-8 inches tall now.but since i did it randomly i have no clue which plants what and damn do alot of them look different!


Well-Known Member
Someone else on the site mentioned moth balls. That is if the critters are still a problem.

N3w81e GR0w3r!

Active Member
finally i can learn in fucking peace!!! they havent touched my plants for a week, i started feeding them alitle as thanx.before your advice i lost soooo many damn sproutlings now i have 47 plants getting about 7-8 inches tall now.but since i did it randomly i have no clue which plants what and damn do alot of them look different!
47 plants? is that all? dont you wanna grow a few more? :p


Well-Known Member
it doesnt matter any more i woke up and they were fucking gone!! i only have eight now and i need to move them to a safer location soon.they were the ones that germinated late so they were still next to my tent but once i think they are healthy enough i moved them on a hillside that gets a ton of light but i guess that was a bad move.


Well-Known Member
Ive wondered about the bb-less co2 guns myself.. Maybe you could get a valve that slowly releases CO2 from a co2 cartridge.. If no one has made this yet, we should try...