Damn microscopic maggots!!! Can anyone help ID these???


Hello everyone. Im pretty much a lurker in these sites because if I have a problem, I usually find a solution somewhere in the forums. Unfortunately I havent had much luck with the problem I have now. My plants growth stopped all of a sudden and I thought it was some sort of nutrient deficiency or something. It was weird because the roots looked very healthy and Ive used the same nutrients for years with no problems. New clones were made and the same thing happened to those. I decided to look at the leaves under a microscope and I discovered these little things in the pictures. Sorry its not the clearest picture. They look sorta like maggots under the microscope but look like a small dust particle to the naked eye. I can even see them moving around. I have always had a fungus gnat problem and Ive managed to keep them under control with sticky traps and crushed mosquito dunks, and Ive had a thrip problem in the past which was solved with monterey garden insect spray. Now I have these things and I have no idea what they are, how to kill them and how to prevent them from returning. I use Roots Organics Greenfields soil and a bunch of products from the Botanicare line. Ive looked high and low all over various forums and I have not had any luck figuring out what these things are. Fungus gnat larvae are larger and like to hang out in the soil. I dont think these things are larvae at all because they never grew into anything else. They just sorta multiplied and killed the plant slowly. Anyways, any help would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you need more info. Thanks!!!



it could be somekind of gall midge/gall gnat larvae, it is hard to say from the pic, can you guesstimate the size?

edit: forgot to say gall midges can reproduce in there larvae stage+ the adults are very tiny so that could be the reason you didnt see it in adult stage