damn plants are going yellow


Well-Known Member
i use house and garden soil nutes for soil not coco or aqua flakes the say on there new feed chart that they sent me u can go feed feed feed on 1 mil per 2 ltrs or i can go feed water feed when following there method which starts at 8ml per gallon then goes up to 12 then 16 but ill just leave these new ones on straight water for 3 weeks and the other ones i might give water for a wile aswell so ph is not that importent with indoor soil ??


Well-Known Member
there telling you they not happy...if there not starting to lockout from all the nutes then surley its overwatering..


New Member
Don't rip them out. They still look perfectly capable of pulling through. I abused the hell out of seedlings when I first started and never lost one. Some of the ones that I thought were done for even came back and put the others to shame. Give her a chance, she'll make it.


Well-Known Member
so i gave em all a flush just in case there were over ferted now ill wait a wile for them to dry out now when should i start to feed ? cause i have one there thats older then the others and also should i worry about ph with soil ??


Well-Known Member
i poped one from its pot and yes scroga u were right on the money bro it was like wet and wild in there i dident think they would hold that much water its been about 2 dayz since i poped and flushed and im gunna wait a wile to water again so the next water do u think i should just use a rott tonic or a light base feed ?

Da Mann

Well-Known Member
Looks like over watering. I do not give any nutes at that size. I grow organic so maybe a bit of tea to get the good bugs growing in the dirt. Before you water again put your finger in the pot and make sure it is about dry.


Well-Known Member
its been about about 3 days sinced i flushed and havent gave them any water all of them are looking good exspect the bigger plant it is still getting yellowing of the leaves could it be a N deff ?


Well-Known Member
Look into brewing teas bro, its pretty cheap n easy to do , the girls will love it..when there ready..take it easy on the frequency..weed prefers drier than moister..


Well-Known Member
I don't think you should take advice from a guy at the hydro shop.
never there job is to sell you products so sometimes they will make things far worse than good,un-less its a friend who you know does the greeagage them selfs i have a couple who know there stuff learnt loads of them just don't take info on board of a grow shop,owner ya don't know