Damn power outages. Now idk if i overwatered or nutrient problems


Active Member
So I normally grow outdoors but circumstances force me inside. They shut my power off twice due to high fire danger. Once for 3 days and one for 6 they were in the dark the whole time. Didn't plan on veg for so long but they only had one and three leaves and I didn't know how that would affect the flowering process. They started to have a little issue so I watered them again before needed because I was going steelhead fishing. They were still wet but watered them with Epsom salt and hydrogen peroxide. Some loved it and some hated it. Pictures look better than real life. I am running gavitas in a 8x14 semi sealed room 4 burner generator 75 degrees %50 humidity. 20191211_175008.jpg20191211_174948.jpg


Well-Known Member
So I normally grow outdoors but circumstances force me inside. They shut my power off twice due to high fire danger. Once for 3 days and one for 6 they were in the dark the whole time. Didn't plan on veg for so long but they only had one and three leaves and I didn't know how that would affect the flowering process. They started to have a little issue so I watered them again before needed because I was going steelhead fishing. They were still wet but watered them with Epsom salt and hydrogen peroxide. Some loved it and some hated it. Pictures look better than real life. I am running gavitas in a 8x14 semi sealed room 4 burner generator 75 degrees %50 humidity. View attachment 4435472View attachment 4435479
What was the purpose of adding the hydrogen peroxide


Well-Known Member
Hi rob,

I think you may be on the right track regarding the power outages.

Without the light source, transpiration would have slowed waaay down, they weren't taking up as much water.
Hot and dry weather would have exacerbated it more.

Would focus getting the grow environment back to normal first, and give them a day or two, to recover before trying anything else.
If it is from lack of transpiration, messing with nutrient, ph etc, could well make it worse.

Might be worth a touch less light than normal at first too. Just to give the plants a bit of time to catch back up, before going full blast again. 24hrs or whatever, just play it by ear.


Well-Known Member
Add more oxygen.
I dont think it works like that, I could be wrong, don't think I am though, im not einstein or anything. What you probably did though is burnt off the fine root hairs, stressed the plant, stunted its growth and killed off the microbe population in the soil.

Which means you fucked with the plants ability to uptake water and nutrients.

Might want to re-think that. Seriously.

and add back some microbes in there.
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Active Member
Roots look amazing it was russet mites hydrogen peroxide is h2o2 it is literally water with an extra oxygen molecule they make a solution for your plants that is a 10% solution just for that instead of an airborne u can add oxygen that way. Hydrogen peroxide u get at the store is only a 3% solution so even less chance of burning the roots. I knew there was a chance of overwatering but I needed to get out and go fishing. My entire 40 acres ranch burned down this summer in northern california .


Active Member
And in my posting I said the roots look great fine white hairs everywhere it was russet mites. Thanks for your advice. You can move on now. They get microbes every feeding been doing this for 20 years just never got russet before they show as deficiencies roots and soul are doing great.


Active Member
You probably wouldn't agree a this either but I spayed they a a isopropyl and water solution a a drop of soap and they put on a few inches of new grow in the last day. Just using that until a more permanent solution can be aquired .


Active Member
Got the full line of house of garden yesterday and ordered Neoseiulus (= Amblyseius) californicus today and they ship tomorrow will be here the next day. I ordered 2000 the guy said it was more than enough but they recommend getting over. 20191214_120521.jpg20191214_120521.jpg