Damn Taco Bell!


Active Member
you could always get the McGangbang buy a double cheeseburger w/ big mac sauce and a McChicken and put that chicken inbetween the burger we invented it while we wer smoked out bak in college hah


Well-Known Member
Those greedy bastages (god love em) at Wackdonalds must have caught on to the BIG MAC sauce on the double cheese scheme. The last time I tried it they charged me $.30 for a dollop of that sweet sweet ambrosia. Of course it could be because they're running out of the secret ingredient they use to make it...Hoffa squeezins.


New Member
do they stil have that cajun McShiten? oh yeah one question why does a cheeseburger cost more than a double cheeseburger at WacArnolds?


Active Member
I have no clue...cuz it doesnt make any sense at all...I know if i go like 2 hours out they dont even have double cheeseburgers on the $1 menu they have "McDoubles" which are patties that are half the size...i hated it...came back home ta the city & still had my $1 double cheeseburgers, puts a smile on my face haha


Well-Known Member
I saw something on the news that they were planning on taking the Double Cheeseburger off of the dollar menu.


Active Member
I will go on a shitfit if they do...wth diff does it make no1 goes to mcdonalds to fuckin eat healthy...and negative havnt gotten around to it but i love popeyes and roy rogers too much ta ever go ta kfc just isnt the same...wish i had a bojangles near by though...


Active Member
Yeah kfc just isnt tasty idk why...the only thing i like from em are the potato wedges...

and to add to that the colonel was famous for making his greasy ass kfc not healthy grilled chicken when the fuck did he invent that recipe he's fkn dead...and they dont even make chicken the way the colonel made it...how disappointed he must be...


Active Member
Im on the east coast so havnt had el pollo loco heard of it though...had some jack in the box sent ta me, long story lol that was pretty good fer being pre-cooked 12 hours before i had it...