Dan Kone's 2011 NorCal Organic Forest

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Vortex -


I've got a really amazing cut of vortex. It's from the same mom that won the 2010 cannabis cup. These pictures do not do it justice (hard to take pics on an iphone covered in resin with one hand while standing on a ladder in a hydro room). But it looks and smells amazing! The Tric's are fucking huge. Can't wait for it to finish. Just a few more weeks!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the pics Dan, Awesome grow. Looks to me like you have plenty of room.
That one fan leaf, long as your arm, That's a cool shot man.

Good luck negotiating with your city about opening a collective. Hope it works out for ya.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the pics Dan, Awesome grow. Looks to me like you have plenty of room.
That one fan leaf, long as your arm, That's a cool shot man.
Yeah. I'm pretty sure I have enough room now. I've tamed the tallest ones pretty well.

Good luck negotiating with your city about opening a collective. Hope it works out for ya.
Thanks. It's a supreme pain in the ass. Hopefully it's worth it.


Well-Known Member
Well Dan I found the RTI line up and Azos at my local Orchard Supply Store. I'm going to give it a try can you explain how you use it sir. I have nothing to transplant so cant apply to roots that way. Thanks dirrtyd

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
those look sticky-icky!

They are indeed sticky icky. A couple nights ago I was staking up colas wearing a short sleeve shirt and got resin all over my hands and arms. had to scrub them down with corn oil just to get it off. Was extremely unpleasant. Gotta wear long sleeves and gloves when I go in there now.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Well Dan I found the RTI line up and Azos at my local Orchard Supply Store. I'm going to give it a try can you explain how you use it sir. I have nothing to transplant so cant apply to roots that way. Thanks dirrtyd
Throw about a handful on the dirt then dump water or compost tea /w molasses on it until it's soaked in. I guess you're supposed to pre-mix it, but fuck it

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Well Dan I found the RTI line up and Azos at my local Orchard Supply Store. I'm going to give it a try can you explain how you use it sir. I have nothing to transplant so cant apply to roots that way. Thanks dirrtyd
Their mykos is pretty sweet too. Cheap as fuck when you compare it to other products that do the same thing.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Got a new toy. usb microscope from toys are us. Has no image stabilization so it's difficult to take pics, but still a good buy for $20.

Pineapple express -
pineapple express5.jpgpineapple express1.jpgpineapple express2.jpgpineapple express3.jpgpineapple express4.jpg

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
they say money doesnt grow on trees, look at you trading some for a camera. lol this is like native americans and the pilgrims trading corn for muskets..... nugs look nice and frosty, nice job

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Indeed. The replacement plants are now too big for their 5 gallon containers and getting a little yellow. Now that I have no more need for replacements I've given the rest away with the exception of a couple I'll be making seeds out of.

However the plants that have been in the large containers are healthy as shit. Not a discolored leaf or abnormality in the whole grow. The only issue is supporting the branches which I've been working on.
im in same boat! i canrt believe ive never seen ur thread?fantastic job! ive gota few bigginz aswell,battling lower branches growing so far out they sag.im sub'd!

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Thanks captain

Growing huge plants with huge root structures in soil with the proper amount of nitrogen. That simple.

Started vegging beginning of April. Put them directly under the sun after germination. No artificial light at any point. That's how I can put them out so early without them flowering. You lose a lot of seedlings doing it that way, but I don't care about that.
i put all mine out in april and a few flowered.only 2 remained in flower.4 outa 12 or so tried to flower,2 did.both were bubba kush.just throwin it out there.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
they say money doesnt grow on trees, look at you trading some for a camera. lol this is like native americans and the pilgrims trading corn for muskets..... nugs look nice and frosty, nice job
Got the camera. Mucho happy with it. 16 megapixels seems like an overkill but it's small, has a 5x optical zoom, and shoots movies, so I'm stoked on it.

It's getting difficult to take pics of individual plants, but I'm doing my best.

Here's that strawberry cough cutting that I threw in a garbage can.

IMG_0615.jpgstraberry cough2.jpg

Pineapple express 1-

PE1 7.13.11.jpg

pineapple express 2 -

PE2 7.3.11.jpg

Grapefruit - If you look closely you can see a yellow leaf! uhoh!

GF1 7.3.11.jpg

The middle row -
